
And then parents will realize that even after subscribing to Netflix their kids still watch the episode on repeat.

Trans people, of course, famously taking advantage of society’s permissive attitude toward them.

I think the Japanese stereotype was an unfortunate side-effect of Mojo Jojo being a goof on anime.

His vocal style is inspired by the original Speed Racer cartoon, where the US dub made more effort to match the lip movements than the original soundtrack did, producing some weird results.

Let me just say that “adult Powerpuff Girls” is a Google search argument you want to avoid at any imaginable cost.

More proof that all comic book movies would be so much better if they were just honestly made for 12-year olds instead of 50-year olds.

I thought The Lion King was just Hamlet, but bad and with animals.

I rarely comment. But you’re the shit Ash. I’ve enjoyed reading your work. And this a bum out to read. Just wanted to throw some positivity your way in shit times, from a long time reader of this site, recent reader of your work, and consumer of most nerd related things.

Goddamn thinking about how Sleepy Hollow went off the rails still pisses me off. The way they did Abby Mills was particularly foul.

Oh that? It's just that thing that happens whenever J.J. Abrams visits a film set.

Yup. I’m a cancer survivor; I’m in serious lockdown mode and I’m celebrating a (huge) remission milestone. You are right about colds; I’ve noticed my colds have much more intensity now.

Don’t blame me. I voted for Gyarados.

Aye, first thing I thought of with this was Agents of SHIELD... although I imagine Jeph Loeb had no idea that Daisy Johnson was Asian at the start of the series. The character’s actor, Chloe Bennett, specifically goes by Chloe Bennett instead of her given name (Chloe Wang, her father’s name is Bennett Wang) to avoid

Go take some photos at Shogun Studios when you get a chance, and I guarantee it will put a smile on your face. Also, if the bobby scene hurt, then you better brace yourself for the ending (and the 100% post credits scene).

I think because we were hoping for 4 hours of examples and only got 5 seconds

That’s the thing, and I say this as a white dude: “conservative” whites (fancy term for bigots, mostly) love to piss and moan about shit like this. There are two simple questions here, IMO: As a white person, do you have any genuine interest in learning about the path that our country has forced non-white people to

a black woman.

I remember coming out of seeing "Gladiator" thinking, "this was a good start to the summer movie season". I did not come out of the theater thinking "Oscars for Everyone!"

That's a heck of a way to spell LA Confidential