I think we call that “William H Macy-ing”
I think we call that “William H Macy-ing”
Well yeah, but he was a guy with superpowers in a superhero story, even if a dark one. That’s going to let some people distance character from “real life” to some degree. Here he’s playing a real life murderer who murdered 12 real people.
I love the way Evil Dead II kind of toes that line. It has that silliness, but it still has a lot of more conventional splatter-horror stuff in it that was played more straight up in Evil Dead 1. Then of course Army of Darkness goes pretty much full on silly, which is not without it’s charms, but I enjoy the way Evil…
I actually felt like the Daemons were pretty visibly “around” during the episode. The “crane” shot of the party with several birds flying around and other animals was effective. I’m sure there are scenes where they are weirdly missing, but it didn’t bother me personally.
Kinja found Jesus?
Hey. This is the internet. Take your inclusive, reasoned, measured opinion somewhere else :P
I think films can be nominated for both, can’t they?
Oh I certainly did not mean that. Kerr definitely is a talented coach in many respects. I’m just saying we haven’t really seen him faced with this particular challenge of managing a team that doesn’t appear to have a realistic chance of contending for anything. It will be interesting to see how he handles it. It will…
Yeah, it’s definitely hard to apply metrics to it in terms of “X wins mean success”. In his book about baseball managers, Bill James said something to the effect of “The primary job of a manager is to keep players focused and playing their best. Everything else is negotiable” (that’s a paraphrase, but that was the…
That’s kind of my point. “Winning a title” is not a realistic goal with this team, but the right coach certainly *can* develop players and chemistry and camaraderie in a way that could payoff for the team in the future. Its definitely a different skill than keeping a bunch of super talented players focused, which Kerr…
Oh yeah (again based on a 15+ year ago reading), I do think he would be a good Vimes, who i remember as being somewhat jaded, which was like his primary characteristic as House.
Huh. It has admittedly been years since I read those books, but I seem to remember Carrot being described as quite physically impressive, and while Laurie is pretty tall, he’s not really imposing. I picture Carrot as being a Tick-like figure.
Is it though? Trump is still president. All of the terrible things he and his administration are responsible for are still happening. The fact that we feel an emotional rush from the fact that the president is being booed (and believe me I feel it) should be deeply upsetting to us, not a reason to celebrate.
Christ yes, but then I live in Mountain View, CA.
Well coaches can be good at different things. It’s pretty confirmed that Kerr is a good manager of a talented team (and that’s not nothing). It will be a different sort of test to see if he can keep a team that in all likelyhood is going nowhere playing hard and developing over 82 games.
I mean, it’s getting articles written about the fact that people are protesting the government’s inaction on climate change. Maybe that’s not much, but I’ve got to admit it’s more than *I’ve* done about the problem today.
Sure, but at least the kid is practicing on his own and not just cranking them up in a game.
Tennis is the one that comes to mind for me – I remember someone proposing that we should go back to wooden rackets in the mens game to prevent just firing away from the baseline from being such a dominant strategy.
That argument makes sense if your goal as a sports fan is to determine the best team in a given season, which is a perfectly reasonable goal to have. However, that is not the goal of sports leagues. Their goal is to get as many people as possible watching, and if the excitement of a single game or short series is the…
I’m confused what argument you are making then. Your original objection seemed to be to possible damage to a story, but now you’ve changed to caring about who the best team is. The premier league system, certainly, is a much better determiner of the best team, and if that’s what’s important to you, great.