
Imagine if the NFL just gave the trophy to the regular season winner. Then we’d have even *more* insufferable Patriots fans talking about their perfect season a la the Dolphins.

Not the same level of seriousness, but I have a cousin with Down’s Syndrome. When he was in his early 20s, he started shoplifting, and because he obviously had some metal issues, the police would call his parents and they’d come get him. He knew he wasn’t supposed to do it, but we think he enjoyed the attention.

this speaks to a man who always has a beastiality joke on the tip of his tongue...

Hey, I’m with you, but I had so many friends who loved it, and when I’d point out things like “it didn’t make a lick of sense” (the war starts because the bugs THROW A ROCK AT EARTH THROUGH SPACE and then we get a bunch of people debating whether they are intelligent?) and “wasn’t very well acted” (Ironsides

I liked how you could hear the announcer literally knock over his mic after saying “oh my god”.

I mean, people were telling me that ST was satire after I hated it when it was first in the theatre. I still don’t see how it’s anything other than a B-movie sci fi with A-budget for effects.

I’d like to go on record as not wanting to forget the pool sex scene in Showgirls...

I believe the standard ask here is that if they go 0-16 the remaining 1972 crowd all drink poison.

a) I love this. b) This makes me feel old just because that guy looks about 14 to me.

But is he elite?

Oh I absolutely promise I could not do it.

I mean, yes it won’t “count” because it would be unfair to count that time right alongside people who ran their times without the advantages he had, but he still *did* it. I don’t think the home run derby is the correct comparison at all. Pitchers in the HR derby are *trying* to throw you balls you can hit a HR off

I knew Snoop Dog. Snoop Dog was a good friend of mine. And...ummm...what was I talking about again?

“insecure MCU fanboys who really want their billion-dollar blockbuster franchise to be critically validated by the Oscars on seemingly no other merit other than the fact “iT’s a CUlMInatION Of tWEnTy dIffErEnt movIEs”.”

Sure, but the Cat in the Hat is just kind of an agent of chaos and you can spin endless stories about chaos running into established systems, e.g. Kramer on Seinfeld. Green Eggs and Ham is a pretty small, self-contained story - I’ll be curious how they get enough milage out of “guy who doesn’t like a thing gets talked

Why? Starting impeachment proceedings when the majority of Americans were opposed to them would have been blitheringly stupid. Yes, it probably was the morally “right” thing to do, but she a politician, not an ethicist. If you want to be demoralized about something, be demoralized by the American people, but

I’d settle for just formidable.

I just use the cheapest possible body wash (which is also what I use to wash). I rub it on my face and then shave. I’ve never seen the point of any specialty shaving gel, foam, butter, or cream. I’ve also never cut myself in 30-odd years. Maybe my skin is just made of iron?

I shave twice a week and change blades/razors maybe once every year? Maybe 6 months if I cheaped out on the razor. 

Warriors/Giants fan since the 80s. I feel you.