

That sounds cool. I know there are a couple of coyotes that lived in Golden Gate Park (a friend of mine was always trying to photograph them b/c she liked taking nature shots and it was hard for her to get to a proper “wilderness”), so not surprised they can live anywhere large enough for them to have places to hide.

And no, no one rants and raves about the AT&T/Time Warner merger the way they do Disney/Fox.

I feel like everyone who is involved in a niche hobby becomes aware that Guinness is kind of a racket. At some point they certified someone as having the “Worlds Largest Board Game Collection” with something around 1000 games. Now that’s a lot of games I grant you, but there are probably 20 users on

I’m trying to picture a dog park large enough that it can support coyotes (my image of a dog park is like a fenced-off football-field sized piece of land).

So, I dunno, play something else? I don’t feel like there are a lack of games out there with a high skill cap. Not every game has to be optimized for you specifically...

Sorry, how is she being an asshole? She’s not saying the movies are shitty or that the other people in them are bad actors or bad people - she just doesn’t watch them. That seems a little odd, but I don’t know, I don’t go back and read my old technical manuals – I’ve heard lots of actors say they don’t watch the

To be fair, in many of the movies Jackson is just part of a post-credits scene, which she may not have seen even if she did see the movie.

I mean, I feel like I could meet Sebastian Stan and not know who he is either unless he was actually in his Bucky outfit/haircut.

Well I think they also have some impact on the last few roster spots, which is exactly what this guy is hoping to claim.

Huh. I’m in Mountain View and most of our Next Door is “I lost my dog” or “Can anyone recommend a nanny/contractor/gardener”? I guess I’ve seen a few “there’s been a series of breakins at such and such place”, but I don’t recall it being tied to dog-whistled “suspicious looking people”. Otoh, I don’t spend a lot of

The shirt is kind of off brand though since the real response is to accuse everyone else of being the “real racists” to try to get to “well, it’s just 2 different equally valid opinions” as quickly as possible.

I regret that I have only one star to give for your hopefully-not-misguided faith in human nature. And also for wading through what I’m sure is a nightmare of medical bureaucracy and judgement for the sake of your child.

I’m not sure what you mean by “transitioning” here, but I think you are making it a larger deal that it in fact is. The one kid I know (my own son is 7) who doesn’t solidly identify as one gender or the other wears nail polish and has occasionally asked be to called by a name more commonly associated with the opposite

+11 inches

Also the Agents of Shield choreo - the two biggest ass-kickers on the show are women and they use that move quite a bit.

+1 reaction video

So...when are we going to stop trying to make Miles Teller: Action Hero happening. I loved him in Whiplash as a neurotic obsessive kid, but he was just woefully out of place in Fantastik 4 (not that he was the only, or even one of the biggest, problems with that film) and Insurgent (I know he’s a bad guy and not an

I’m pretty sure that was a joke...

Yeah, the one near me doesn’t sell sandwiches either.