Well hopefully Russel will actually be able to take hers off. Casting Christie for a character that you never saw and barely spoke was weird.
Well hopefully Russel will actually be able to take hers off. Casting Christie for a character that you never saw and barely spoke was weird.
Infant baby seats are literally designed to click in and out of their bases exactly so you don’t need to wake the baby up. Obviously, yes, don’t just put them in there for 3 hours while you get your drink on, but letting the baby keep sleeping while mom and/or dad get to eat a meal with two hands is perfectly…
What? That’s like saying “crime is crime” and punishing jaywalkers like murderers.
So *that’s* how he really hurt himself.
I’d have
firedhunghanged the whole staff, host included, for making the same joke as Jay Leno.
Especially because it was actually such a nice moment in the show. Colbert tossed the question off as kind of a gag, but Keanu’s sincerity really hit him emotionally (and also got me and my wife).
“Guy sucks.”
Agree. We also got at the exact same time another woman with a similarly single-minded focus that would probably lead to madness and death deciding *not* to give in to her hatred. To say nothing of just the sheer number of important and powerful characters who were women. Many of them turned out to be crazy and/or…
You forgot about Chocolate and Cheese...
Yes, that’s it exactly. If people are concerned about climate change, it’s not about the future of the planet/our children, it’s part of some corrupt scheme designed to, umm, I guess make someone rich? While poor honest oil companies have to beg on the street? God it’s maddening.
“But also liberals don’t really “care” about minorities, because who could possibly have concern for any group of people they don’t immediately identify with?”
Way to completely not read what he said. The fact that you think that when they turn 18 people magically become immune to being preyed upon is what told him all he needed to know.
A agree that it sounded like bullshit, but I still don’t understand *why* they’d want to poke their noses in. Like is it just “hey let’s go fuck with this lady” or “hey an open door and I can hear voices, maybe we’ll catch someone smoking crack?”. Like I’m trying to understand what the cops were *trying* to do (while…
I agree. I actually liked that episode fine and I wish it had tied in more to the rest of the season (like I wanted the punks to show up at the 11th hour in the last episode for some kind of begrudging hero turn).
I mean, one of the NAACP leaders came out against it before he had seen it, and upon viewing it walked the statement back to a significant degree.
Sure, but I’m sure it’s more crowded during/after Cubs games - the question is how much more?
Yeah, they do plastic ones at AT&T park.
From reading the article it seems like it’s a result of the prosecutor not believing they could get jail time due to the age of consent and alleged “gray area” around the rape charge (I say alleged because it sure as fuck doesn’t sound gray to me, but we’re talking about what a lawyer believes will hold up in court).