
Wait, I’ve seen this movie. Did he arrange to have his wife kidnapped to extort money from his wealthy father in law?

Do yourself a favor and listen to the episode of The Dollop about John McCain. He was a crass, scheming, incompetent, entitled rage-monster. Of course it was awful the he was a POW for years, and I wouldn’t wish that on anybody, but none of it meant he deserves the standing he has in the GOP mythos.

Did Dogma mention Jesus being married? I don’t recall. I didn’t really care for that movie - it was just too tonally all over the place. I was like: there are some decent ideas for about 3 different movies here. Pick one (and generally I like Kevin Smith movies).

I’m...not sure the lack of a piece of paper making Allan “officially” her father actually fundamentally changes anything here. Maybe it changes some technical legal things, but morally he was in the role of a parent and he got involved romantically. Like if 45-year-old me started dating my long-time girlfriend’s 15

Unfortunately the answer is probably “because celebrities are involved”. If Laughlin, Olivia Jade, and Felicity Huffman weren’t involved in this scandal there probably would have been one story, it would have fallen out of the news cycle, and it would have been taken care of with the kind of slap on the wrist rich

“On the children who were complicit with/actively participated in the crime.”

What? Because voters didn’t think he was the best player in the league 15 times? Like I don’t know what answer you want here. Fwiw according to VORP he should have had 9.

I know this b/c I’ve listened to Jon Miller call a lot of Giants games and he always says “automatic double” and often explains this.

ZAP! Ruder.

You know that if someone made that movie they’d be accused of “ripping off the Da Vinci Code” :P

Now playing

Sounds like someone hasn’t seen Jesus Christ, Supercop:

For some reason I am hearing that in the Korg voice. Not sure if that was intended...

Brett Mayne cries softly to himself in a corner.

Are you joking? It’s called the ‘Most Valuable Player Award’ because that’s what all of the “best player” awards are called, not so people can handwring about what exactly “value” means. 

Well, they probably matter to some of the HoF voters - fair point that their relationship to actual defensive value is....tenuous.

It’s a cool sounding word, but on the other hand it means like a mild breeze, which isn’t really in keeping with what I expect an NFL team would want to project...

Eh, the funny ones are funny. The cringey ones are cringey. To paraphrase Breakfast Club (because that’s the kind of up-to-date references I traffic in), “the jokes haven’t changed, you have.”

Or rather she’s too dumb to bother to look it up. Nobody’s intelligence should be judged on their knowledge of Jim Carrey’s citizenship.

I mean, anyone over 45 or so? There are still a number of us who live here.

Jane Hitler runs from the room in tears.