
I think it’s more “You don’t know what you don’t know”.
You can research and plan, but if you don’t know to research a critical safety piece and think you’re prepared then you’re risking injury or death.
Nothing wrong with knowing your limits and having someone who specializes in something do it right the first time. 

Of all the articles that could’ve actually been appropriate as a slideshow, this one is a list with zero pictures....
Nailed it!

I lump this into the same category of “Don’t plug random USB devices into your laptop.”

Great points though - either bring your own outlet charger - or use a “charging only” cable.
If outlets are low supply - the old LH article recommending to bring a small power strip or splitter with you will help clear that up and

100% Charge the parents - I say this as a parent and gun-owner.

 I feel like that’s a sick burn for LH

What can I say, I try to give recognition when due.

I’m not an ass who leaves messes (we tidy up before the cleaners), and a dirty light switch I’m talking about dirt that accumulates over time not like I just dipped my hand in mud and flipped a switch.
They obviously touch them too when they go in/leave a room so it’s not like I’m asking them to get something they

I love when an article talking about something visual has ZERO relevant pictures.
Here you go (Credit to Marquette KS EMS )

It also applies to lakes or any body of water smart ass.
That said, my upper middle class pasty white ass will be in my pool

I’ll tip in the following instances:

1. Sit-down restaurant - ~20%

Don’t cook when you’re drunk

Reminds me of a “Doomsday Preppers” episode I watched where this couple was whipping up some homemade pepper spray indoors, they were coughing and eyes burning even with masks and goggles.

Doomsday Preppers: Homemade Pepper Spray” if anyone is interested.

Peaky Blinkers creator Steven Knight is joining Star Wars.”

...Photo Caption needs fixing

What happens when they turn 18 and still have “ODD” and these “Adults” ditch their meds?
Is it called something different when adults don’t respond to normal motivations like punishment or taking away privileges?
Get beaten by the police for not following instructions and send them to jail?

You got it!
Sorry I missed the \s tag in my comment and obviously (or maybe not so obviously) don’t condone beating your children.

That said, this sounds like an over classification of a kid being a brat.
“Oh that’s little Jimmy, he’s not a bad kid he just has ODD”
I can’t wait until the first nationwide trial for

This used to be cured by “Footinass”

What if you have two kids? What good is a “house cell phone” if one of the kids took it with them outside the house?

Even if a kid was given a cell phone - there should be zero expectation of privacy on it. They either share the password or they don’t keep the phone. Having some “House cell phone” that is public, but

Fargo - what a classic. 
“You see something down there Chief?
Margie: “No I just think I’m gonna barf”

I don’t know about that, in collector groups I’m in those Silver Certificates go for at least ~$2.50-3 per. Not a large return, but better than face value. If I could find someone selling them for face value I’d be a happy man.

I’m prepping for a meeting and didn’t get through it all (I’ll come back I promise!) but as a father a lot of this scared the crap out of me and part of the reason I don’t want us to have a second child ( We have a great daughter, and I don’t want to risk losing my wife/mother of my child if complications arise in the