
2002 was WAY early for anything VR, oculus didn’t come out until 10 years later.
If I’m not mistaken at that time the extent of VR was arcade setups that were big, clunky and piss-poor graphics. We’ve come along way on all fronts in the last 20 years.
Between VR and AR, we’ve barely scratched the surface of

Save this for 5 years down the road. I think you’re vastly underestimating the use cases of VR. They may have been early, but I don’t think they’re wrong on VR investment.

Are you discounting context of the previous sentence?
“...the world rapidly moved online and the surge of e-commerce led to outsized revenue growth”

I don’t think he’s talking about a continued growth across the whole economy but specifically focused for e-commerce and online/remote work.

A couple thousand dollars (some of which went to people who, y’know, lost their jobs) paid out in 2020/early 2021 cannot and did not have a meaningful on today’s inflationary environment compared to housing, fuel, global supply issues and (more recently) geopolitical conflict

I hope this ends up being top starred comment. I had to google this the other day and 3:1 was what I found then.

Musk is definitely letting his ego get the better of him. He has the temperament of Marty McFly when someone calls him ‘chicken’.
Never was a big twitter user, only jumped on to enter contests or bump up hot topic posts at times. Deactivated my account, I’m sure I won’t be missed given my lack of interaction on the

One day I’ll catch up on this and watch the rest.
When we cut the cord I lost track of where I was (this was 2021 I think?).

“Firefighters LOVE this one trick!”

Mouthwatering just thinking about this.
Definitely putting salsa macha on my shopping list... I foresee this being a household staple going forward. 

Care to provide any explanation or support for that?
I’ve had my dryer for over 10 years and had zero issues.
Now we have started using wool dryer balls but that is for drying our cloth diapers since dryer sheets affect absorption of cloth diapers.

You don’t think they’re working on that already on multiple fronts?
Do you think they didn’t use horses or trains to build the automobile industry needs when it was in its infancy?
Reducing demand for unrenewable fossil fuels everywhere is the goal, it doesn’t mean we’re all of a sudden prohibited from using them while

What are you, 12?

I did find out he was in Fight Club, who knew?

lethal radiation from fallout would drop to survivable levels within weeks.”

Look into “CJIS compliance”, these companies have standards they must adhere to when dealing with sensitive information.
Granted this is more “Public Safety”, but I imagine this would be subject to similar controls.

No shout out to the coolest bear in all of history, Wojtek?

Tucker” should definitely have been on this list. 

The ice bucket challenge was a good thing, however that was in 2014 before TikTok came out, 2016. 

Has there ever been a TikTok trend that hasn’t inevitably caused some harm to someone/something?
I’m not talking about innocuous duets or any of that crap, I’m talking about trends that call on the viewer to go reproduce an act IRL. They’re all either annoying AF, dangerous to the person performing them or their

She does not hold up even close to how good Sandra Bullock and Natalie Portman have. She’s clearly had work done on her lips.
She’s still beautiful, but damn she should’ve stayed away from the knife.