
One doesn’t need to drown to learn to swim though.
That is a piss poor analogy.

The majority of what is being cancelled amounts to basically the interest. Most people have paid their tuition within a handful of years but end up fighting the debt for decades. This would be a far more valuable economic stimulus than a couple one time checks.”

To that point, it also established a way to fund it though for future generations. Debt forgiveness without “funding” it (either through reigning in the cost of education, or expanding PSLF) does nothing except give benefit to the the people with debt today. It would be similar to the 1935 program saying “we’re just

THIS 100%.
I’d probably be more on board with it if they addressed these issues to prevent the next batch of college students from falling into the same trap. 

I use them to relay the fact that it’s something I’ve had to think about/mull over, or an “oh shit” moment.
I sent this one to my wife this morning “... did you miss your dentist appointment?”
Is it absolutely necessary? Not at all. 

As I understand it, it would only impact undergrad degrees.
Also, I’m right there with you for the most part. I racked up about 23k in loans over 5 years (graduated about 14 years ago) - basically the cost of a new car at that time. I aggressively paid off my loans in 8 years.

I am fully behind PSLF (Public Service

Watched all of these except for 2 as a kid and will probably binge them again very soon.
X-men and Gargoyles were my favorites. It’s nice to see them on legit services that I have access to now. About 15 years ago I used to scour youtube and similar services(Dailymotion, etc) for these episodes and helped curate a

Oh I don’t doubt it is being said from the BLM protestors as well. I also don’t doubt that some of the damage/violence was started by BLM protestors (whether egged on by others or not is irrelevant).
The difference is, we have the evidence of infiltrators in the BLM protests. These were just three that I found, I

It’s exhausting, they have no proof - at all.
Seeing posts on NextDoor from Trumpers “that were there” and they “saw antifa”, and “everyone was peaceful.”
They’re literally eating their own who don’t follow lockstep with them that the election was stolen. Vowing to vote against their GOP reps (at any level) who didn’t

Do yourself a favor and don’t look at NextDoor.
A local trumper group is just going off the rails lately. 

Hi, welcome to the last 4 years...

He has a wife you know...
Called Incontinentia...

His nickname is “Bigot” he’s just dumb enough to think the “t” is silent. 

Fair point. I think actions speak louder than mob-forced apologies anyway - regardless of sincerity. 

I just know I’ve said some dumb things in the past - so it’s not an imagined offense. I’ve said offensive things, period. A person is more than something they said 10 years ago. My take is - the internet mob jumping on “Bean Dad” is, like most things an iMob jumps on, an overreaction.

God help me (and my family) if I’m ever in a publicly visible position where people give a shit what college me/me 5 years ago/me 1 year ago wrote somewhere. I’ve laughed at and retold countless inappropriate jokes (read: gay/racist/sexist/etc), I’ve made broad assumptions based on few facts, called people

That’s why personal responsibility is so important. If you’ve been made aware of exposure, you need to act as though you’re infected until you are sure otherwise. That means either waiting the 14 days, or waiting 5 days and getting a test performed (then waiting for the results).
Understandably this is difficult for

Stay home for 14 days following exposure - if you develop symptoms get tested locally ASAP.
Or remove all doubt and drive the 30 miles after 4-5 days of exposure (even if you aren’t displaying symptoms).  

CPR pushing blood around (even after you die) probably speeds up the turn. That’s my logic anyway.

not only that, but the whole “because your mom shot my mom right in-front of me” would do a number on his memory of his mother, and very likely mess him up even more than the fact that it was Hope who shot her.