Stay home for 14 days following exposure - if you develop symptoms get tested locally ASAP.
Or remove all doubt and drive the 30 miles after 4-5 days of exposure (even if you aren’t displaying symptoms).
Stay home for 14 days following exposure - if you develop symptoms get tested locally ASAP.
Or remove all doubt and drive the 30 miles after 4-5 days of exposure (even if you aren’t displaying symptoms).
CPR pushing blood around (even after you die) probably speeds up the turn. That’s my logic anyway.
not only that, but the whole “because your mom shot my mom right in-front of me” would do a number on his memory of his mother, and very likely mess him up even more than the fact that it was Hope who shot her.
Words have meaning and tone.
Knowing your audience is key as well. If your audience is highschool grads/dropouts, then by all means dumb it down and use smaller words so their pea-brain can understand it without dismissing you as “talking fancy.”
Though this article doesn’t surprise me given we elected (and may yet…
I would look at your state laws.
Here in Texas, HOA’s cannot prevent political signs from being placed in yards from 90 days before the election through 10 days after the election. Doesn’t matter what’s in the HOA Bylaws.
With this state law in place, HOAs can say you can’t have political signs in your yard earlier…
You’re the second person to mention adding miso, I’m going out this week to pickup miso to try this on the weekend (that’s the only time I actually cook breakfast).
I figure the grease itself is too much for the pups, but they usually get some eggs, some bacon crumbs and maybe some cheese set aside for them. They’re spoiled like that.
Agree 100% if you’re just frying eggs, use “too much” butter!
I typically fry bacon before frying eggs though and just use the bacon grease to fry the eggs (sometimes adding a tbsp of butter if needed if the bacon was really lean).
I need to try this...
Big Trouble though? It’s competently made, but I just kind of feel nothing for it. It’s just there. It almost fills a functional purpose, like a chair or a towel rack.
I’ve heard that folding aluminum foil up and running the can opener through it a couple times “sharpens” the opener; While I doubt the voracity of the claim it “sharpens it” I have seem improved performance on an old can opener after doing that. I’ll have to try the wax paper, and definitely need to inspect them to…
Now this is a lifehack I can get behind. SPICY NUGS!!!
I’ll definitely miss this show, but it ended perfectly IMO.
Loose ends tied up, happy endings for everyone, visually enjoyable, and they didn’t jump the shark too much (Daisy’s resurrection was pretty close to going overboard, but I would’ve been pissed if they actually killed her after shipping her and Sousa like…
While the delivery is off, and the name is well, cheap and unoriginal, the goal here is necessary. I’ve been thinking about a system like this for a while now, and it’s definitely needed.
Think Coal industry workers, which is a dying field, many still have many years of work in them and transitioning to a new field is…
No basil, oregano, or parsley?
I’m sure it has flavor, and a good recipe in a pinch but seems lacking.
I know that some of you are thinking “there is no way I’m doing five sets of 20 push-ups right now,” and that’s fine. Do one set of 20 push-ups, or three sets of modified push-ups, or whatever feels right to you.
Mrs. Cfer and I were big movie-goers(at least once a month) pre-COVID. While I’d love to dive right back into it, we’re both hesitant to go anywhere, much less a movie theater (crowded or not).
There’s only one or two movies coming out that we’re interested in seeing, we may end up going but not on opening weekend,…
they stumbled on a copy of Cujo or Firestarter in a library book sale
Or the real life-hack, hold the book/e-reader/phone higher so you’re not craning your neck down all the time.
Yes your arms will get tired at first since you’re not used to doing that. Over time, something strange happens, your muscles actually grow and arms won’t get as tired.
I don’t know about mayo on the outside, but mustard between the cheese is a game changer.