
$2 billion worth of Amazon stock would increase the average trading volume by 0.15%.

I make 30K a year and yet I’m taxed for money I have sitting in stocks and mutual funds.

If you increase the available supply of shares for sale, why would people pay the same high price when they can bid lower and if you need to sell them you’ll go lower on your ask. You increase the supply of shares for sale, the price will go down.
High volume only drives price up when the shares are in demand and can

Shoot, wealth tax doesn’t even sound good in theory to me, based solely on the scenario in my comment under another reply about what would happen if Jeff Bezos was taxed on his wealth.

The thing is, no one has “$10B in cash” they have investments. All this talk about taking money based on a wealth tax misses that point entirely. People rail about Bezos being worth billions and that the wealth tax would take billions from him, but fail to realize most of that is Amazon stock that makes up his wealth.

NO to a wealth tax, just no. Raise the top tier income tax rate (or create a new one), but no wealth tax.
I also oppose any tax rate above 49%, ever, and even that is too high.
All these candidates supporting a wealth tax are killing any chance they have. 

You ever spill something on a roll of toilet paper, and then have to replace the roll? Good luck if you do it with this one.

This also explains why, apparently, some people have to flush 10-15 times. I’ve dubbed it “Charmin’s razor” the amount of TP used is proportional to the amount of TP available.

You ever spill something on a roll of toilet paper, and then have to replace the roll? Good luck if you do it with

Never gets old. 

What shitty think-tank conjured this up?
The original “Squad” was 4 newly elected congresswomen, of varying backgrounds and nationalities, representing democratic diversity.

This kludged together “Conservative squad” is 4 white women, two of which are just candidates. Way to think outside the box...    

It’s absolutely assault.
One definition of assault is “knowingly causing physical contact with another person knowing the other person will regard the contact as offensive or provocative” 

It’s the new “Minion” car in the next Twisted Metal game. 

Now playing

Random plug of a friend’s band - Obsequiae and their new album ‘The Palms of Sorrowed Kings’
Went to high school with one of their members and always thrilled when I see groups he’s with still crank out solid music.

Wonder how this would work with overbooked flights.
Would they let you give up your extra seat to them for the voucher? (I guess not because they’d try and book “you” on the next flight, but you’re already on the first. 

Why? Why should health coverage be tied to where you work?

Frankly, I’ll likely keep my PPO through my employer either way.

Warren’s plan is a non-starter for me. Shutting down private healthcare is stupid, I can’t put it any nicer than that.

I really don’t care who’s “plan” it is.  Even if it’s the exact same thing they should be supportive of a good plan the other supports.  

For some reason I get her and Diane Weiss’ names mixed up and then I have to go back and remember that Rachel Weisz = The Mummy; Diane Weiss = The Lost Boys, and then I’m back on track.

Funny I say the same thing about Warren and Sanders.
In order to win the general election, the Democratic candidate MUST pull Republican votes. Do you think either Warren or Sanders is going to do that? (Hint, not a chance). I think they’d sooner vote for Buttigieg than a democratic socialist.

Sure, not everyone has that option, but it’s an option for some nonetheless.