
Yea, the Bride is a champ for going along with it.

CostCo gas lines are the best though, most* everyone knows you pump your shit and MOVE. No convenience store to go into and waste time.

*There’s always that one who is new to the thing and doesn’t know what to do. 

Option 1 FTW.
On occasion I will park in a pump spot, but only if there are numerous other open pump spots and I know I’m not going to be more than a couple minutes.

If I’m pumping and see people waiting, I know that’s not the time to be dilatory and I get out of the way. If I need to adjust something I can do that

There are definitely folks on the right who want no part of increased public transit or apartment complexes in their city.

I live in a nice DFW suburb, and people absolutely lose their shit when they see zoning for apartments or multi-family housing (and they watch for it too).
They want all the bragging rights for

Except for all of those people in his same boat it was a huge surprise. The IRS failed to deliver an updated W4 to align with the new code, and it’s not even on Trump’s radar.
If the tax burden remained the same, but withholdings were reduced due to the tax law, then that’s a huge fuckup.
ALL of these people thought

Exactly, I can understand if “beer is in the fridge” but if you’re going for the rare bottle of beer in there, you know what it is and how much it costs and that it likely isn’t for you.
Hell even my close friends still ask permission for some things and don’t rifle though my cabinets grabbing things without asking

Plus that additional pittance you may get in your check will now be taxable, so you’re not really getting the whole amount back - and like the Obama Payroll tax cuts will only be temporary. Except this time we’re not in a recession so he has no excuse to do it, other than to accelerate the dwindling of social security

If the proper amount of money is withheld from your paycheck for taxes you don’t have to pay at the end of the year. If you end up paying at the end it’s both your employers (or whomever they contract to for payroll) and yours for not following up with your paycheck to make sure the correct amount is coming out.

Good point that I didn’t think of. 

letting the market regulate itself with what citizens demands are, not having a government run every aspect of your our lives.

I live in DFW, in a two-story house, we keep it at 76 during the day and 74 at night, and we have a pool that runs 8 hours a day.
Our bill last month was $203, and that’s the highest it gets (usually around $140-160).
You need more insulation, or to change electric companies, or both. 

82 when you’re sleeping? Good god, I would never sleep.

Ding ding ding!

Automakers are already ahead of compliance dates too for the most part. It’s not like they’re going to go back to the drawing board and say, “Well, what can we do to reduce MPGs?”

Dug into the comments for this, thanks for takin’ care of that. Take your star!

Now playing

With related songs like this, how could you not love Tulsa?

Soo... Guerilla Warbears?

And it’s not like they can go and cut taxes to stimulate growth either.
The next recession will be worse than 2009 (No one believes me on that).

This is what I’ve been saying for over a year now.
When the recession starts kicking in, there is little change, policy-wise, that can be done to blunt the effects.
Interest rates are at historic lows, government spending is at all time highs, and we’re still pushing a 1T annual deficit.
The only option would be MORE
