
How are you going to book $1300 tickets and not read the fine print, or get your dates correct?
Did you even bother to check American Airlines site directly instead of going through Orbitz?
Why did you give up so easily on the initial call?
Why did you not read the cancellation/flight change policy on the $1300 tickets?

While he may disagree with the policy, it’s the writers fault for dropping that much coin on a flight not reading the fine print.
Hell I won’t pay $20 on a subscription for something not reading the fine print on how I can get out of said subscription, much less book a flight not knowing how I can change it.

Yea, I should just makeup wild claims like everyone else. 

Damn, Lifestraws are sold out (the deal ones anyway)

Damn, Lifestraws are sold out (the deal ones anyway)

Yo Dawg, I heard you liked walls.. and moats.

Yea, that’s it, if I’m warning of the potential cliff we’re going towards I must be missing out. 
I’ve been making money in the market (I don’t trade big dollars, but have caught a couple good ones the past few years, $HEAR, $IIPR, $ENPH, $SLP).
Nevertheless, we’ll see in a year how good the market still is.

If the FED cuts rates now, it’s only prolonging the inevitable recession.
There would be little action that could be taken when the next recession does come around, with tax cuts already in place and interest rates at historic lows.
If your job isn’t recession proof, I hope you’re saving your ass off during this

They got their rubber stamp tax cuts and are still packing the courts.
We need to send mouthwash(and probably some antibiotics) to all these GOP Trump cocksuckers.

Today, she’d avoid him until he got on some meds

Had a roommate in college total his car driving through water like an idiot (the city had really poor drainage).
He got a nice new car out of it. (Think about those idiots when your insurance premiums rise and you had no accidents/tickets).

This just reinforces my thinking that I need to wear safety goggles when doing yard work. 

Short Answer - Budgeting and a 401k Loan.
Long Answer - Had about 20k+ in CC Debt (some from college, most from after).
To tackle it I finally buckled down and created a budget to figure out exactly what I had left after bills. Mapped out my 4-5 CCs and what their minimum payments were and used 0% balance transfer

He also saved Jeep by buying American Motors, not sure why that isn’t in more articles. 

God I love that movie.  It’s long overdue for a rewatch. 

Anyone else have to watch this episode on Closed Caption because the voice audio was dropped for most of the episode?
It cut in and out at the beginning, with music audio/effects still coming through so I knew it wasn’t an issue with my TV.

Many people have said June should have less days, some say more, but many say less. This isn’t me saying it, many people have told me that. I love June, no one loves June more than me. But maybe we just shorten the month a little, add it to July, boom. July is a great month too, let’s make it longer! No one loves

#1 needs to wine her, dine her, 69 her.
Throw in some roleplay, be her Clive Bixby. 

I will never take out a mortgage for less than 30 years. If I want to pay it off quicker I will, but locking yourself into a high payment on a 15yr or less mortgage is asking for trouble. Sure you can refinance, but who knows what the rates will be at that time, and you’re stuck with a refi fee.
With my first house I

$10 per trade is outdated, 4.95-6.95 are the averages now. ETrade, TDAmeritrade, Fidelity are all in that range.