
Weapon X.

Is she questioning her reality, or, maybe she's following her exact programming? It's her vulnerability that makes guests fall in love with her.

Perhaps the oldest models don't have that failsafe.

I'm looking to buy an inexpensive refurbished PC bundle. Is there any reason why I shouldn't purchase this one:

But you call this fool here White Boy?

I liked the guy who played Fifield; I thought he was the crazy one!

Billboard Alternative Rock Chart, November 16, 1996

Inspired by the Left Behind series, noted Any Rand acolyte and Breitbart columnist I.P Freely introduces a novel destined to make American great again…

You overestimate them.


I think it's some sort of male primate behavior, where they think they're not the alpha, so they OOO OOO AAH AAH! and wave their arms to attract attention.

They claim they're the party of "small business," but what they really mean is they're the party of billion dollar companies who organize as pass through S-corps.

I'm a Ground Zero of an Obama county that went for Trump, and from what I've seen, hourly laborers don't give a shit if manufacturing jobs come back. It's owners, managers, and white collar workers who are salivating at the thought of investing in new business, and they conned the workers into going along.

I'm sure there's a great deal of switching back and forth but I think more often then not bears are tops, unless they happen to be power bottoms.

"Hey, Ray, your wife is mad because you played golf on your anniversary."
"Keeping your wife happy is like tuning an old jalopy. Sometimes you have to shove your entire arm up there until her engine starts running."
"Arrgh, Dad…."

I want to shove that person aside and write it properly just for spite.

We are through the looking glass, people!

No, he tells it like it is!

You need to drop a Simpsons quote, preferably something involving ALF.