
They got the metric system in France, they don't know what the fuck a quarter pounder with cheese is.

Remember how you had to have special boot disks to launch PCs with the minimum amount of memory to get certain games to play?

I'm living in a former blue county gone Trump, and all I've seen for the past four years is the working class dropping dollars like I've never before seen: co-workers driving 40k and 50k cars, buying houses, nice watches, etc.

I'll tell you who sounds a little desperado.

You can be "racist" against any people, but in America, only whites can be "supremacist."

She was on a few episodes of Curb.

Modern PCs, you just plug them into a broadband connection and go, right? There's not such thing as a PC without one, right?

I foresee less of an outright rejection, and more that she's adhering to her programming 100% that hurts William.

There's things all around us everyday that we don't notice until we pay attention.

His daughter said the mother killed herself because MiB was a monster.

Details like fit and lapel length change, but there's nothing men like more than the idea of a uniform:

They blew it with Luck, Vinyl should have been a no brainier, for which they cancelled BE… In my mind, they still have three other prestige dramas airing…

He splits the difference, but Bernard does not, cannot, thus making him the perfect programmer.

*player piano music: This is the end…*

But not self-reflective enough.

She had a few hits throughout the decade. She's stunningly beautiful in this video:

The symbol was all around him, but he never noticed it, until that one fateful moment.

It's very funny, I've been told.

Billboard Hot 100, November 17, 2001