
FUBU at Dollar General?

Given that he was Reagan's VP, he's sort of the same administration.

It's going to be much simpler and much more insidious that. Medicare vouchers, loss of consumer protections, etc.

I don't.

When was the last president with an R by their name who didn't run an administration corrupt from the top down? Eisenhower?

On one end of my street, there's seven figure lakefront homes and Escalades in the driveway. On the other, working farms and a gun shop. They seem to both be in the Trump camp.

It's the average between company owners and company workers that skews the average.

I saw this on TV, during an NBA playoff game. A fan of the other team held a sign that said PACER FANS LOVE NICKELBACK.

That's a documentary about his life.

He's Hollywood average looking.

It's like the "rap" verse of Madonna's Vogue.

He does seem to cross that line at times.

I feel like the last time he hated filming a movie was Three Kings.

When I took creative writing classes in college, out of fifteen students who were majoring in it, maybe two of them were next level, and I'd like to think I was pretty darn close. If you can find 15% quality writing, you're doing alright.

EDIT: The formatting is rough, I'm looking to streamline it, but for now, without commentary:

I've thought about posting a random Billboard Top Ten Singles Chart for a random 5 - 30 year interval, but I never got around to doing it even once.

I was holding my one year old niece and dropping some rhymes on her when she rested her head against my shoulder to fall asleep. She likes 50 Cent. That was nice.

Who are you, Dexter Morgan?