
These people have been cheerleading America's failure for eight years, and they're not going to stop now.

He has the weight of four hundreds years hanging on his shoulders; ancestors murdered by vigilantes, hosed by police officers for attempting to vote. When he has a complaint, he's told to lift himself up by his bootstraps and better himself by the same people who just voted for government to hand them a better job.

It's like how I was supposed to freak out about Rev. Wright's "God damn America" speech. He wasn't goddaming *me.*

I for one vote every election, and I give money to candidates. I forget how many of my co-workers think that both sides are corrupt and equal. I should have tried harder with them.

I'd prefer a specific corporate boycott, like Bank of America or Wal-Mart.

Is this a crossover with Project: Greenlight?

But the one on the right might be French or something weird! Isn't green the color of Islam?

Man dining across room: "Look at the guy."
Woman dining across room: "He must be one of those internet millionaires."
Man dining room: "I should introduce myself."

What's your price for flight?

I thought it was pretty horrifying, and I was 18 when I saw it.

I probably say "What's in the bahx?!?" daily at work.

Pitt also became famous early in the shooting; he became a superstar overnight about three weeks in.

No, I cannot, but it's borderline classic, and surely underrated.

Yep, my fucking neighbors. The thing is, all of those small businesses I drive past every day with giant Trump signs out front (many owned by guys with net worths in the 50 - 100 million dollar area)? They don't *want* manufacturing jobs to come back; they pay too much. They run a giant protection racket via trade and

Those are my co-workers who are struggling economically, and they gravitate toward Trump, or simply didn't vote because they think it won't make a difference for them.

Dutch as in, you go halfsies?

It's like people only do these things because they can get paid. And that's just really sad.

My parents said they were the youngest people in line to vote. They're 70. When I voted, out of fifty in line, there were five females in their 20s, and I was the next youngest person there. Where were the young men?

There could have been a Newsradio where he played himself.

Yeah, I caught The Beast on cable one day, and it was surprisingly good.