
Trailer: "A communications blackout can only mean one thing: invasion."

Surly dipshits: 80%
Ebay profit: -20%

I just want to repeat that for our non-American friends: the election isn't until November 2nd.

That reminds me of a favorite Seinfeld exchange:

My theory based on real life observation is that every time you're black out drunk, you age by one month. Everyone wants to make the scene when they're 21 and 22, but you party too hard, suddenly you're 25 but look 40.

IRL, houses on the Bundy street have been selling for 500k or more.

A little voice inside my head said, "Don't look back, you can never look back."

Fun fact: 90% of the world's gefilte fish supply is made kosher by rabbis in Bismarck.

That's gotta sting, like Chris Christie getting rejected by Bruce Springsteen.

I should want to cook him a simple meal, but I shouldn't want to cut into him, to tear the flesh, to wear the flesh, to be born unto new worlds where his flesh becomes my key.

"hate-mongering and aggression on both sides"

Dang it, Bobby!

The last one is the most far fetched of them all! He would have been too distracted by vials of coke to reach for a bottle.

Season 4 of Shameless is a masterpiece of storytelling.

Last night at work, a co-worker's tween daughter switched to Nickelodeon, and at first I thought she was watching a Caroline in the City re-run, but I think it's just the just from that show or a guy who looks like him.

Who's buying bootlegs anymore? The little kid who needs bootlegs, because his parent or guardian won't let him see the excessive violence and strong sexual content you and I take for granted.

Trump seems like more of an ass man.


It's as if you're living four simultaneous days at once.