
Name That Tune got so intense.

Summer School is about a laid back indifferent teacher.

Is that the one where they pilot her away via helicopter at the end? I've been trying to recall that random memory for the past several years now.

In the realm of off topic weird internet related things, Time Cube is no more:

The first hour is the better hour, too. The second hour is like three different films happening at once, and really important things happen to characters that they seem to forget about by the next scene.

I watched 2006's Miami Vice for the first time last night and loved it. It's stripped down Michael Mann without filler. The whole is less than the sum of the parts; it's no Heat or Manhunter, but it's vastly underrated. It would have made a *great* season of True Detective.

People shit their pants when the Simpsons debuted.

Two Beldings in the same building, one of whom is balding!

I can't imagine rioting to the opening credits of the first few seasons of Happy Days; that'd be like rioting to Seinfeld.

"Time seems to pass without ever really passing, the sky is a constant grey, and fate actively conspires against the characters"
Sort of like real life.

It's more challenging because it takes place over a very limited time frame, and the film grows stronger after a second viewing.

I like how most black people aren't especially impressed by Dr. Algie; they treat him like an equal. "I ain't askin."

The hardest thing I ever did was go to a doctor, who prescribed me meds and a therapist, and it was the best decision I ever made.

I'm a card carrying liberal, but if you dare lecture me on how I'm now "nice" enough, you will hear some very colorful language.

I hope you recalled that from memory…

There once was a man from Nottingham
Who slipped a fell in a river
What a dope
He tripped over a rope
Now, look at him shiver

Both FotC and Always Sunny are in my top ten, even though the characters in each are complete opposites from each other.

The slim suit thing happened kind of fast; the suits in 2007's Ocean's 13 are almost billowy in comparison. Also, I think I have some of Woody Harrelson's 1994 ties from True Detective, which is a great reminder that I need to update my dress wardrobe. The change from say, 1974 - 1994 was much more pronounced than

Clooney appears for 30 seconds, Travolta for 30 seconds… It's a stacked film.
Supposedly there's a five hour long director's cut, which I would love to watch.

I'm honestly not sure you could pay me to watch Dexter season 8. I wouldn't do it for $1000.