
Ben Kingsley is probably the single best actor who is also so willing to slum it. Even after 20+ years, you're like, "Why is Ben Kingsley in *this*?"

Winston owns a working class bar, but he charges $25 for "rita-tinis" and hipsters hand him money hand over fist.

"But the buzz is building, as studios respond to fan demand for more Bio-Dome!"

I want to see this as a sketch, now.

"I do remember with that movie that we went to Brazil and filmed on the Amazon and we were there for four weeks. Then we came back and filmed in Los Angeles at the Arboretum. So you can 'dere-lick' my balls."

The Dan Band, a coked out three way with Amy Smart and Carmen Electra, the hand towel sceneā€¦

Do it, do it.

"So was JC!"

Unfortunately, he's probably doing several hundred of these every day to promote No Escape.

They *do* have their own schools!

The credit for taking DS9 to the next level goes to Avery Brooks for shaving his head.

Al Bundy was destined to be Al Bundy from birth; Jefferson decided to be Al Bundy by choice.

She's incredibly attractive but bizarrely not sexy.

Michael Dorn always gets props here for his comedic chops: "I will *feed* him."

Every remix and song featuring a guest artist seems to have a big budget music video attached.

HBO is still featuring The Knick OnDemand, and I'm starting my third watch through. Now's the time to get on board before the new season starts in October.

As often as I've seen Aliens, it still gets my heart racing.

The master of evil, tryin' to battle my boys? That's not legal.

Unless you're trying to work at a certain law firm or on Wall Street, it doesn't matter what school you do to. I think it matters where your school is located, ie, New York or London, versus the size of the school or the reputation.

I got CJ Anderson and McCoy in the first two rounds, but I pulled the trigger too late on a QB and had to take Phillip Rivers in the 9th.