
Make Me Feel Entitled To Behave Like An Asshole doesn't fit on a bumper sticker.

Only if they bring George Lucas into the fold.

No, I'm not making that up. It really happened.

I wouldn't go as far as to say it "sucked," but the show definitely compromised its established voice.

No, I don't think any of those guys were there in '96. It was a completely different era.

I like Always Sunny because they're jerks, and I like Conchords because they're nice, and they're both in my top ten comedies of all time.

What's AJ doing this time? Hanging out with Lady Gaga?

The AV Club

IN A SPLIT SECOND you'll be making $87 per hour.


It's not about being kind to the characters, it's about the story, the conflict, and the needs of both.

Wait a sec, guys: maybe the plot of ASOIAF is revealed via Zeppelin lyrics a la The Lord of the Rings?

I mean, two hundred years of advancement versus 10,000 years of advancement is kind of a flip of the historical coin, so the be.

But in this case, Littlefinger's army and political support will be three dragons warged into by Starks, and ridden by Tyrion, Jon Snow, and Danerys.

But here's what happens when you die.

To me, it wasn't even the last episode that killed Lost, it was the previous episodes that focused on the Smoke Monster's origins.

You didn't like watching a smoke monster play ancient chess with his human brother thousands of years in the past?


I've started to quote Jason Stackhouse and his southern accent as uttered upon witnessing a group of vampires drawing blood from Bill Compton to absorb his daywalking powers:

I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was. Now what I'm with isn't it, and what's it seems weird and scary to me, and it'll happen to you, too.