
I was sold on Bored to Death in the very first scene:

I like when he talks ominously about "war," as in, "There's a woor brewing, between humans and mutants."

Like the SNL skit Fecal Matters with Mark McKinney.

It's Feldman… From across the hall.

"Double penetration? What kind of film is this?"
— Jared Fogle

Is it not linking to an album cover? Yada yada yada it's all Disqus' fault.

That's a murderer's row of sound the captures the mood of a time.

It's *dangerous* in ways you still don't often see.

This is the original cover for Bon Jovi's Slippery When Wet:

Excuse me, I'd like to get by now.

I like to drop "Dang it, Bobby," fairly often.

I say "What's in the box?" almost daily at work.

I took to swearing only in my 20s, and I think South Park (the show and movie)was influential in that area.

*goes back to shooting bukkake porn*

If there's one thing I learned in life, it's that Goonies never say die!

"Man, that Josh Duggar guy, what a creep, amirite?"

Because you're a Carole King fan?

Whenever someone says something really dumb or nonsensical, I say, "There's a guy on our team who dresses like a pirate?"

I try to drop the terms "paterfamilias" and "bonafide" whenever possible.

I like to say, "Juice! That was a good one!"