
I don’t want this guitar but you deserve a shout out for that title. Well done.

I don’t want this guitar but you deserve a shout out for that title. Well done.

YEOWCH that’s a spicy one

What I hear is: "You get yelled at if you suck." You're shutting the door on people that can't perform out the gate adequately to your tastes. This specifically is why you should look into changing your gamer style: "he got chewed because needed to." No. He needed to be given some advice, helped out, sherpa'd,

Yeah. You're the problem. There are a lot of great multiplayer games out there where the community regularly lends itself to helping out new players.

oh gawd getting controller support for ME1 is a damned nightmare.


Stopped reading it when it said the correct pronunciation was JIF. It's a Graphic File Interface, not a Juraffic File Interface. HE MADE IT BUT HE'S WRONG! Just kidding I'm gonna read the rest now.

Completely agree. 1990. Born playing Atari, then NES, Sega Genesis, Sega Game Gear, Playstation, N64- then moved to PC games until the 360 came out.

Civ 5 has to be one of the most overrated one dimensional 4X games out there. So many other better choices, TBH. I also can't stand the flippancy with which it deals with history. If this is a list of games everyone can play, throw rocks at, and accomplish something, then it belongs here, sure. But it's about as

;_; I miss my 1990 Mustang... stop giving me feels

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or be chuck bartowski