
He’s so transparent when he tweets his support over and over for states that he won while barely acknowledging those who went against him, like California. And his approach to Puerto Rico is nothing short of shameful.

So Sunday was the European Election results in the UK, to say it was a disaster for the Tories and Labour is a bit of an understatement, with them losing 15 and 10 seats respectively while Brexit basically just ate up all the UKIP seats from last time and the LDs and Greens hoovered up the Remain vote and came out

The babies should pull themselves up by their bootiestraps and stop expecting handouts. 

Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. Making a note for my family so they never ever put me in a nursing home. Just give me a hug and let me go.

In the upcoming primaries, Lipinksi will face Marie Newman, who also ran against him in 2018 and lost by only two points.

But Bustos still isn’t ready to disavow anti-choice Democrats. She said in her statement that she still believes in “our big tent Democratic caucus” and warned progressives that “every dollar spent trying to defeat one of our Democratic incumbents is a dollar that we cannot spend defeating Republicans.”

“Acupuncture was poo-poo’d for so long, so was reiki,” she said. “So was hypnosis, and now you’re seeing them become more standard in hospitals.”

God, people are very easily parted from their money for the dumbest possible reasons.

Is ‘scam’ too ungenerous of a word?

Salt is salt, Himalayan or Peruvian or Minnesotan. It’s salt. At least when referring to sodium chloride, or table salt. There are obviously millions of “salts” but sodium chloride is sodium chloride. These salt room are just more proof that some people have too much money to spend and have to come up with

Please pardon my rudeness, but:

Lets also take into account that most people that adopt want white babies and that she isn’t.  

Let’s remind these chumps that “Crooked Hillary” was able to testify for 11 hours on live tv without falling into a perjury trap. I’m sure Donj can do the same.

A question for the lawyers: my understanding of “pleading the fifth” is that witnesses may do so when the response to a question might incriminate them. Is this accurate?

So this claims that none of the Greedy Odious Parasites are taking him seriously.

if by “oppressed” he means stood up to when they say and do stupid shit that oppresses other people, then yeah. but not nearly enough.

Call me crazy, but I’m starting to think that religion is all man made bullshit.

I’m not entirely sure that labeling Liberty University as “evangelical” is accurate. After all, there are evangelical churches which are fairly moderate in their politics. But Liberty University embraces full-on conspiracy theory thinking (e.g. that Earth is a few thousand years old and everyone who says otherwise is

Gradeschoolers mock and ridicule their peers who still have imaginary friends. But we’re supposed to be totally supportive of grown ass adults who’s most important person in their life is their imaginary friend that tells them that they have to tell us how to live?

EA doesn’t make 2K games. EA makes NBA Live and are practically philantropists compared to Take-Two Interactive (the holding company of 2K Sports which publishes 2K games). You might’ve heard of Take-Two, they the people who hold Rockstar, makers of GTA Online, who’s virtual currency are shark cards.