Cool, but like, you want to buy a battery pack or something?
Cool, but like, you want to buy a battery pack or something?
Cool, but like, you want to buy a battery pack or something?
Cool, but like, you want to buy a battery pack or something?
He strikes me as the kind of guy who honestly doesn’t care if he has friends, as long as he has toadies.
Does anyone else listen to the podcast Slow Burn? The first season was about Watergate, but they’re in the middle of season 2, about Clinton’s impeachment. I was a teenager when this was all going on, and I’m learning so much about stuff I didn’t realize, or misremembered. And really the main takeaway for me has been…
Right, but the context here is that she explicitly said no to the question being asked and then the interviewer explicitly ignored that request. It’s really hard for me to see any gray area here.
To those arguing, “well of course, because it is the only interesting thing about her.”
Did you all miss the part where the demonized, vilified, practically exiled young woman turned out to be an intelligent commentator on the state of politics and feminism today? Or are you still buying the spin being fed to you by the folks currently pillaging Nancy Pelosi (and, until chickens colonize the moon,…
This is the one thing I’ve never understood when it comes to cheating. Why does the cheated on partner go after the other person and NOT the person who they were in a relationship with and who actually did something wrong? (this happens no matter the genders/orientation involved)
I think what I’ll do is make a simple site dedicated to ET and shaming the Tribbles/Money, MS for trying to make money off of his death. And shaming Carolyn Bryant, wife of the original owner of the store, the woman whose lie led to Till’s murder. It will be there for SEO and if it devalues the property by even $100…
It’s also funny that he uses the same descriptors for the candidates he endorses regardless of who they are and where they’re running. Like I know that Trump doesn’t give a shit about any of these people beyond that they say nice things about him on TV, but it really is the bare minimum of effort on his part.
Maybe the good State of Mississippi could claim eminent domain and preserve this as a monument to the horrific suffering of the Tills and the birth of The Civil Rights Movement?
Doesn’t really matter though does it? It’s a good thing either way.
...I get the cynicism about EA, but they are exactly 0% at fault for what happened in Jacksonville. It wasn’t at an event they were running (just going “oh, yeah, sure, your event counts”), their game is a fucking football game and not a game that involves weapons of any kind.
Must be fun for a company to have to try and balance rationality and emotion among the people for something they’re not at all legitimately responsible. Are we to have military checkpoints into every event that has more than 10 people? In this context, “more security” really isn’t feasible to prevent this.
I work with kids all day. Here’s the thing, they’re not sorry. They’re sorry that they got CAUGHT. There’s a difference.
Always assume whatever horribleness Republicans say Democrats are going to do is what the Republicans are already doing.
Lol of course Beto was the bassist. That means he'll be a good politician who just wants everyone to get along and will stop fights and provide a strong foundation for everybody to be at their best.
He’s basically setting up the narrative so that any violence perpetrated by right-wing nutjobs after the elections will be blamed on the Democrats. Because lying and shifting blame are the only things Republicans know how to do anymore.
I’m going to violently celebrate if we win the midterms, which is to say, I’ll have two scotches. Truly, us progressives are history’s greatest monsters.
A literal fucking safe.