
The robe is really becoming the white van of the garment family.

How many red lines has he crossed already? Honestly he can clearly do whatever the hell he wants to, and unless Republicans pass legislation protecting Mueller and making him fully independent, we’re always going to have this hanging over our heads. They managed to kill the Congressional investigation, it’s just a

Here’s the thing: It didn’t slip through the cracks. That implies ignorance of the process or lack of review. This was reviewed AND IT WAS APPROVED. That is a failure of judgment and lack of ethical understanding, big difference.

Regarding Hope Hicks’ hacked emails. I just want to point something out:

...no mention of Deputy Scot Peterson, the armed school officer who lingered outside in safety during the mass shooting...

But Dwayne Wade showed up today, sat down with a group of students, discussed gun violence and gun reform, and pledged to continue supporting them. He’s also been wearing the name of one of the victims, Joaquin Oliver, on his sneakers and dedicated the season to him (he was a huge D Wade fan and was buried in his

Sweet jesus, we’re stuck in a dystopian YA novel.

Well to be fair to all the bible thumping rubes, Obama was exceedingly black.

Right? Hillary, like, spends her free time hiking in the woods and walking her dogs. Trump eats like Slimer from Ghostbusters and took a golf cart through Sicily because he couldn’t be arsed to walk 700 yards with the other world leaders.

The thing I love most about her is that she plays all these intensely confident, bold characters, then goes on the talk-show circuit wearing all these ridiculous/amazing vintage/avant-garde outfits, then proceeds to just demonstrate how she is an awkward, introverted homebody who likes to stay home, read, and knit.

“A couple accidents and some metal in my body”

Yeah, your comment is also contributing towards the “I’m never ever ever getting a motorcycle” decision.

D) Everybody quits having sex, because ew gross.

“If all of us do all we can, we can once again, in our time, restore the sanctity of life to the center of American law,” Pence said at a luncheon for the anti-abortion Susan B. Anthony List & Life Institute on Tuesday.

“If all of us do all we can, we can once again, in our time, restore the sanctity of life to the center of American law,”

“You cannot be anti choice and feminist. Period.”

Exactly. A litmus test for every law should be “Can this law be defended without invoking a god or a holy book?”.

The “Against abortion? Then don’t have one” might seem overly facile, but it’s the basic truth, and why anti-abortion legislation is profoundly un-American. One person’s faith might believe that a fertilized ovum is to be considered fully human, but another’s might say that it’s not until that baby takes its first

He is afraid of everything.

So you’re going to avoid buying a game you’d like because it’s being published by a company you’ve decided to have a grudge against?

Remember: this is being released by EA, so Internet Law requires that everyone in the comments hates it and thinks it’s garbage.