
I find it interesting that Cohen explicitly says that neither Trump or the Trump campaign paid hush money to Stormy Daniels. Not a word about the RNC.

I don’t understand how republicans can love Jesus so much, he was a hippie, ffs! He HATED rich people and called the accumulation of wealth evil. He was all about taking care of the sick and poor. I don’t get it

My 7 year old niece has devised a chart where she puts stickers on squares that are numbered. The numbers correspond to a list of misogynistic hot phrases she hears at school, on TV, from my mother, etc. When her chart is full she hands it to the closest adult and demands $20 for Space Camp.

Let the grass grow long near the shore. I’m not kidding, that’s a well known defense against geese in Michigan. If the grass is long there could be a predator hiding inside of it and the geese are less likely to land there over someone else’s property where they have mowed.

“The AP reports that Golisano is refusing to pay a $90,000 school tax bill.”

Because for republicans (you know he is), wanting the government to solve your problems is only bad when someone else does it?

I will take any and all opportunities to brag that I’ve met Shirley Manson, along with Duke, Butch, and Steve, and they are all incredibly kind, gracious, and caring. The first time I met them I took the opportunity to tell them their music had truly saved my life, and Shirley gave me a hug, then Steve followed, then

local papers have always had to deal with outside influence of prominent individuals who could destroy them. In the 90's you certainly didn’t go against casinos or Wynn. It is unfortunate, but a reality of corporations with limited resources being vulnerable by bullying from the uber wealthy. I don’t think that

You’re not in the bubble. They are. That’s the whole problem.

God, I don’t even know what I would say to those people. Luckily everyone I know is anti trump, or doesn’t say anything at all. I don’t care if that means I’m in a bubble, it helps with my sanity.

Guns are legal in just about every West-European country, the Nordic countries have gun ownership rates similar to the USA

There was no such thing as hunting before guns were invented. There is no other way to kill an animal.

Take all the guns.

I have issues with flying. I am basically in a state of quiet terror the whole time and looking for a way to knock myself out between A and B. This has never influenced me to want to bring an animal on a flight.

I don’t understand how this thing is enforceable in relation to a crime, and why the discussion about Kayla’s NDA doesn’t address that.

I also hope they get the same calls from their fathers, grandfathers, brothers and sons.

I live in Pennsylvania. When I wanted to volunteer at my kids’ schools, I had to take a three hour mandatory training on spotting grooming, sexual abuse, and what to do if you even think its happening.

I think she should speak and let them try and collect from her.

“present Grace’s story for what it is—a starting point to discuss the ways consent can feel blurring, no matter how clear we might wish it were, and our lack of language to describe this”

This is a valuable conversation and could have occurred in a better written piece. I also think a discussion about the blurred