
oh, i believe her, i’m just worried / jealous of her mutant powers. have you tried running really fast after the rash cleared up? or kicking things very hard? writing with your toes? i bet you have powers you don’t even know about.

In the afterglow of Thanksgiving, I’d like to take a moment to be thankful...Dear Lord, I’m thankful that social media did not exist when I was that age. I’m thankful that I never got herpes or a DUI or even a bad tattoo. I’m not sure how I managed that, but thank you forever and ever. Amen.

Anyone else surprised that the Hilton’s table doesn’t look, well...nicer? I mean, they have eleventy billion dollars and their dining room looks like that?

Haven’t played this game yet, have you?

Every multiplayer game since 5 or 6 years have this problem. Buying a game on sale after 6 months? Everyone you’ll meet will have better weapons and perks. Yet, in BF2, it’s a problem.

Worse, BF2 is certainly not the first to do the accelerated thing, Uncharted 4, For Honor and some other definitely did this before.

I’ve seen the videos of people who paid for star cards steamrolling others and so I’m unconvinced.

Takes around 25 hours to unlock everything I think. Only have two charactes to unlock that cost 10k each. 16 hours of gameplay and I bought 8k worth of crates, which I should have kept for the heroes first, as characters get gear anyway through other means. I still haven’t completed the campaign either so that should

Yeah man. While the progression system isn’t the best, I’ve found it doesn’t really matter. I actually have yet to buy a single box and still do just fine in every match. This game is tons of fun, and I hope more people decide to try it out.

Totally agree. The internet justice warriors blow everything up into this huge issue. Me and my friends play the game because we don’t let the internet tell us what to like. And we have had nothing but fun with it. Controversy is stupid and only as big as these keyboard warriors make it

I’m in the same boat as you. Really enjoying the game and not feeling held back by the progression system. While I’m disappointed by all the negative press that holds people from playing a great game the concerns over pay to win are real and valid.

you know what man, people are entitled to buy and play whatever the hell they want, you might say you don’t want to be rude at the end of your rant but you’re just another elitist gamer judging people for playing a freaking video game, get a grip.

Finally someone who is actually playing the game and not just trolling comment boards thinking they’re solving the world’s problems. The mob hate for this game is ridiculous.

It’s really sad seeing everyone freak out about something that isn’t game breaking at all. I’ve seen maybe two or three people that likely spent some money on boxes before it was taken down. I never had issues with any of them.

The game is fun as hell, and the heroes are easily unlockable now. Progression being tied to loot boxes isn’t ideal, but I haven’t found it game-breaking. You can craft almost any card you want with crafting parts.

Really too bad because it is a very fun game to play.

I also haven’t felt hampered by the progression system in Multiplayer one bit (not even half a bit) so... as per usual - internet just blowing stuff WAY out of proportion without any actual experience with what they are bemoaning.

It’s an indication of how far down the rabbit hole this story has gone that even Fox & Friends — which normally can’t suck this administration’s dick hard enough — feels the need to pin Conway down on whether she’s advocating a vote for Moore.

So Hannity tried to get Gloria Deason, another Moore victim, on his show.

So the big topic of a Republican Senatorial candidate embroiled in a sex scandal will end with a Democratic Senator being forced to resign. Like clockwork.

I agree with what you said, and im all for holding someone accountable, but...it doesnt look like he’s touching her in that photo. Childish? Yes? A little pervy? Yes. But we cant keep painting these scenarios with the same brush. And really, the #metoo tag? Id be embarrassed to lump myself in with people who had been

That much use of Papyrus in his “trailer” should disqualify him from every job he applies for in the future.