
If you can stomach it, this Politico piece on how Trump’s base in PA feels about him now is worth reading just to illustrate how disconnected from reality these people are. It’s worse than even the caricatures of them suggest. There are plenty of jaw-dropping passages, but this one jumped out at me.

It possible the editors are waiting for public release of the accusation, while working closely with Univision’s legal department. Because, like, lawsuits. Maybe Peter Thiel liked Two and a Half Men

Because I don’t think citizens should be rounded up and killed for being the dumbest meanest shitbags on earth?

Anthony Bourdain put him on blast today. Uses the word “complicit”. He’s dating Asia Argento, another Harvey victim.

I’m sure that this was all due to economic anxiety.

Yeah, but didn’t the Madden and FIFA teams have to start using Frostbite this past year? I’m sure it was tough but they made it work. Why was this such an impossible task for Visceral?

You’re not wrong about Frostbite’s issues, but at the same time, when you look at how much time and effort and money studios sink into making their own engines, it absolutely makes sense why EA is mandating it: IF they can get all the bits and bobs in place, it would be a tremendous savings for every other studio to

Your post should read. “I did not read the article.” Were you in a competition to post something?

I’m honestly baffled by the thought processes of my fellow males. Even in my teens and twenties when I was still an idiot I’d never even remotely consider pressing my wiener on some random woman. Like what do they think is gonna happen besides being a completely disgusting human? Their rampant manhood will drive a

Typical abuser crap. 

I’m reading her brother’s latest (a collection of diary entries starting in the 70s), and every time he mentions something she says I laugh out loud, which is a win/win because then people will give me space on the subway.

This article in the Washington Post a few days ago was very interesting. It’s about the role of non-disclosure agreements in sexual harassment cases that keep predators like Harvey Weinstein in powerful positions. The people who accept these settlements are never let in on the fact that there are a few other people

Realizing they might face some consequences. Nothing that could have happened to the women would have mattered.

I’m a little disappointed she didn’t add a “you guys” at the end. Because it really does democratize things, you guys! Totally!

Presidents usually aren’t judged by this. Most of these interactions are extremely private and not made a big deal of by the families or the President. Most Presidents accept it as a solemn responsibility and most families, apparently, are appreciative at the gesture (no family is forced to take this call, I believe


Just like child rape, there is only one valid defense to having sex with someone in police custody -

My guess is he swiped a Gideon Bible from one of his hotel rooms.

“(...) the profound love I have for my wife, my boys and my Catholic faith.”

Which one is supposed to be the idiot in this case?