
Coming clean literally minutes before the NYT is set to expose you is not transparency, especially not when you’ve been lying for months about the thing you’re being “transparent” about. He self-published emails that he damn well knew the NYT already had because they had reached out to him for a comment, and decided

Something I maintain about every (yes, EVERY) person who votes Republican…the core characteristic they all seem to share is their inability or unwillingness to realize that other people may have a different life experience than their own. While I appreciate Scarborough making this announcement (we’ve gotta start

That’s not “being devil’s advocate, lol”, that’s writing revisionist history. Germany was systematically gearing up for war - the “Lebensraum im Osten” strategy was well-established by then (i.e. the plan to conquer Eastern Europe and put lots and lots of “pure blood” Arians there - Hitler even wrote about this in

The degree to which Fox News now resembles a state-run news agency for a third-world dictator is uncanny. I swear, every single fawning, complicit, softball, “nothing burger”, interview and puff-piece they have done needs to be put into a super-cut and run on a loop 24/7 after Trump’s regime falls so everybody can

I wish I could remember this better, but I’m groggy. Stephen Colbert had a good bit about this “going to any meeting” part as well, along the lines of; Manafort and Jared are all kinds of busy with the campaign, and DTJr supposedly tells them: Hey, I want you drop everything to and come to this meeting I have set up!

If Getmany hadn’t started it in Poland, they would have started it somewhere else.

The puzzle part comes when his Russian buddies tell contradictory lies. So it’s like... Obviously you’re BOTH lying, but does that give me enough information to work out the truth? Not really. 

Manaford of course. He’s flipped.

Don’t count out Jesus’ right hand man, Mike Pence. He is lurking now, just waiting for his chance.

Donald Trump Jr: “Well, sure, I robbed the bank, but it turned out it wasn’t payroll day, so it wasn’t even worth taking the money. Such a nothing.”

As someone who gets upwards of 100 emails a day at work, let me just say...

Oooh, excellent psychological profiling. (And I’m actually being sincere for a second). People who commit acts that they know full well to be morally or ethically wrong often rely on the rationale that “everyone is doing it.” The brain needs that defense mechanism because very few of us are prepared to accept that

I think it’s like how cheaters always assume everyone else is a cheater, too. If Trump did something bad, then Hillary must have done something WAY more bad. No way the rival of the guy we like is actually a good person, that would require actual scary self-examination! LOCK HER UP!

“Father! Father! Look at me! I’m standing right in front of the speeding bus for you! Father, say you love me! Fathmmmmpf...”

Police: “Freeze!”

Who among us hasn’t met with a Russian lobbyist offering dirt on our father’s political opponent as a pretext to talk about sanctions, forgotten to talk about the dirt, and then lied about it for months?

Look at this pathetic asshole. He’s been yanking the arms off every leader in the world but look how he treats Putin.

I guess the congressman is not aware that what was inflicted upon Jews was done by a nominally Christian (Catholic, but in the same family as those who believe in the divinity of Christ) nation on a non-Christian ethnic group (as well as other discriminated classes). The idea that speaking about a religious war and

Just remember, folks, Trump was always like this. The White House put a magnifying glass on his behavior, but this is who he has always been. During the campaign, he showed us exactly who he was yet 63 million people voted for him anyway.

I noticed that: the consistent hitting on the ‘they,’ ‘them,’ and ‘theirs.’ It’s not just enough to call us leftists or progressives: we are a faceless, nameless horde now. This sort of dehumanization of the opposition, especially in regards to groups that employ force, is a red flag. And it’s going to get worse: I