early onset dementia
early onset dementia
Wow.. For a second there I thought I was watching some Verhoeven ‘Starship Troopers’ cut content for the propaganda... That is some seriously fucked up thinking but it fits right in with the world view of the right/religious right who have, despite having a significant majority, consider themselves victims and…
Weird, eh? But Germany (and Austria to a lesser extent) has always had a really kick-ass maths/engineering curriculum from grade school on up. I went to German school through 2nd grade, and when we moved to America it took about 2 years for the school here to catch up in math to where I’d been in Germany. This has, I…
This weeekend I watched the new Netflix documentary “Nobody Speak: Trials of the Free Press” that discusses the Thiel funded takedown of Gawker (and his ties to Trump), and the Adelson buy out of the Las Vegas Review Journal, as well as the stated intention of wealthy conservatives to kill off free speech through…
‘Good’ is subjective. If it isn’t your cup of superhero, that’s cool. But let’s not pretend that ‘good filmmaking’ is universally agreed upon.
In fairness to Spicey, he is working as chief turd polisher to an administration that is spewing out very liquidy diarrhea from every orifice. Maybe someone else could have done better, but anyone savvy enough to do that would have been savvy enough not to try in the first place.
I find this reply insanely hypocritical. Black Americans are never, EVER considered “innocent until proven guilty.” George Zimmerman MURDERED, in racially motivated COLD BLOOD, a INNOCENT teenager because he was black. Yanez emptied his clip into Philando Castile IN FRONT OF HIS GIRLFRIEND’S DAUGHTER because he was…
I’ve also been accused of victim blaming, but it’s a legitimate question. North Korea has handlers for foreign tourists that basically only allow them to see propaganda or (fairly new) items. Unless you are a journalist, scholar that has some connection to authoritarian countries or North Korea, have family from the…
Reminder: Trump has not even named a nominee for more than 400 high-level offices in the executive branch. Among the vacant positions are the Special Envoy for Human Rights Issues in N. Korea and the position of U.S. ambassador to Sweden, the country that serves as our intermediary with the N. Korean government…
But she’s a BLACK wedding planner! They know all about that urban stuff...you think some so-called “expert” could do it better?
I read the Forbes piece too and think it was very fair to Eric. They went out of their way to point out that St. Jude’s did get a lot of money out of this overall. The guy’s still a fraud though, and made a point of falsely claiming that the money was going straight to the hospital with no overhead. And having a…
It’s a totally unreasonable assertion. There’s no evidence that Seth Rich leaked anything. Zip. Zero. Zilch. In fact, we know that the Russians hacked the DNC (and likely the RNC as well), and the leaked documents show signs that they passed through Russia.
Except the police have debunked the fox myth 6 days before they issued the retraction. The police believe it may have been during a robbery. Remember when you hear hoofbeats think horses not zebras. Let the police follow the evidence. All this does is provoke attention seekers to flood phone lines, wasting valuable…
I live in DC, and like most people here I have a whole lotta feelings about this administration (none of them good). I had dinner with some of my Mom’s friends as they swung through town the other night (they’re in their 80's) and their cousins (probably 55ish) when the question was asked, “So, are people here going…
Here’s an interesting thought experiment. Defend the actions of this “administration” without mentioning Hillary Clinton.
When I was in my 2o’s, I had a cute butt, perky tits and tiny waist. (But no silicone tits right under my chin.) Now I’m almost 67. After two pregnancies and a hard bout with breast cancer 18 year ago, I have a saggy ass, thick waist, poochy tummy and lopsided boobs. I still go to the gym to increase my muscle mass,…
The saddest thing for all of us is: there is a team to keep him under control. This is not out-of-control behavior for him, this is controlled behavior. Fucking terrifying.