
oh please stop. You are probably one of those people that still seems to think that the Throne itself is the endgame. I don't think so. The actual tale is called the Song of Ice and Fire not Game of Thrones. Dany had a vision of what will be left of that Throne when she gets there. Jon fights real fights with the best

How convenient to rephrase things to your liking. Even in the review clips the first manipulative thing Sansa used to get Jon to join her cause to retake Winterfell is that they need to get their brother—the as far as they know true heir of Winterfell. You call Jon dumb but seriously you must be a cold-hearted bastard

You do realize that had he gone back to the line all of those archers would have rained arrows on him and he would have died, right? Once lured to where he was his only real act of anything he could do was to charge forth and pray the Lord of Light was looking out for him that day.

not if he is literally ice and fire personified as is theorized. The stupid chair is not the end game. Cersei will destroy it and Dany will find it in ruins as she saw in the House of the undying.

Learn to spell and for that matter read. Clearly he was 'fighting for Winterfell and it's true heir' meaning that actually trying to save his brother the true heir unless they can find Bran was actually one of the main operatives of said mission so no it is actually tactfully not stupid either from an emotional

That's most likely her motivation which makes her a Stark in name only basically at this point since there is absolutely no honor is letting 2 of your brothers die for a cause you orchestrated.

the point is he was already in range of the arrows when Rickon fell. By chasing after Rickon he was already too far to go back. Had he gone back Arrows would have rained on him from all sides and it'd be over anyway.

Sansa gave a vague suggestion that Jon didn't know what an ass Ramsey was, sure. Sansa USED the argument of saving Rickon to get Jon to do battle in the first place so really him not listening to her last second "begging" is not surprising. He didn't go in to battle to reclaim Winterfell—something he isn't really that

He was already in range of the arrows, had he tried to go back they would have just rained arrows on him and killed him anyway, so he really had no choice after the running towards Rickon.

Sorry but marrying a girl cause you loved and shagged her is not the same as letting your baby brother whom you literally went to war FOR die in front of you and just sit like a tool on top of your horse and let it happen. I don't think the Jon we know and love would do that. Being honorable is his failing but also

Exactly! And also Sansa literally got Jon to agree to go to Battle in the first place by using the notion of rescuing Rickon. His whole point in going to battle in the first place was to get his brother back. And isn't it funny that it is the bastard/the half-brother that at the end of the day is emotionally connected

My issue with it is that the films were unfaithful to the books they are based on and there was zero character development. I was disappointed with the first film and annoyed with the second. The trailer for the 3rd clearly shows massive deviation from the books, so no point subjecting myself to any more of it. Maybe

The idiots that keep stating that stupid overused comparison basically never bothered to notice that the only actual thing in common was a basic game portion with the kids which was again allegorical and meant to show how governments misuse and abuse children as pawns in their wars. If again you bothered to read the

The last part was called "Ascendant" so instead of Allegiant Part 1 and 2, they just fooled people into a 4th movie with a new name. Most people I am seeing are expecting it to end when they watch this part though so that'll be a rude awakening for those that pay money for this expecting that. I was done with this

People that say this are typically not ones that read the books and get that the point of the trilogy is that stuff you call "boring" as it is a war story not one about randomly killing kids for sport. She wrote HG because of both our obsession with reality tv and the war in the Middle East hence why media

He was the voice. They cut out a lot of his importance since the films are largely from her perspective. In the Books he is the reason she is even alive in the first place since he gave her family the bread (and got a beating for it) that helped them survive in the first place. She was always angry and never knew what

Seriously it isn't that hard. She chooses Peeta cause he is the one that let's her have hope and live her life out without constantly fearing and hating the past. Oh yeah and she went into the damn Games to avoid her sister being killed and Gale killed her sister, so whoops there is that whole thing there too.

It is sort of the style of Greg Garcia, the show's creator. If you've ever seen "Raising Hope" it was a similarish style. CBS didn't pick up "Super Clyde" because it went with the other Garcia show "The Millers" which was shot in a different (preferred by the studio) style. It's a shame cause "The Millers" sucked

It was a pilot for a show that did not air officially on CBS (they did release it on their website and it got massive views there and people kept asking why they never picked it up). CBS decided on "The Millers" instead which was a crap show that was not dissimilar in any way from other crap shows on tv. You should

Concur. I think he has a natural comedic timing about him. I have enjoyed Dan's work too lately though. He's really grown a lot—maybe the theater work has helped there for him. Either way I am way more impressed by the roles those two have done outside of Potter. Really wish they'd stop over-hyping Emma.