He sold that some time ago and he's actually done many independent films and
He sold that some time ago and he's actually done many independent films and
He sold that and he's actually been in many independent films and was on the West End production of "Mojo" and the Broadway production of "It's Only a Play"" so he's hardly been sitting on his ass.
CBS had the pilot appear online and it was a hit, so much so they wanted to give it another go but with a new cast. People said they weren't interested if Rupert and Stephen Fry were not involved. It was a really good pilot and idea. It is a shame they chose "The Millers" over it.
For those making fun of Rupert Grint or acting as though all he is done is sit in an ice cream van (which he actually sold and does not own anymore), he has actually done many films though they are more independent or foreign films and he premiered and won awards for appearances on both the West End and Broadway…
I have seen the play as well on Opening Night and I enjoyed it. It wasn't the very best play I have ever seen but it was good and everyone around me enjoyed it as well. It received a well deserved standing ovation. Perhaps you saw it in previews before certain kinks were out etc… or perhaps you just simply have a…
That's exactly it though. These sites have a bad habit of ignoring the work Rupert does even though out of the Trio he was the one actually doing other films even while Potter was filming. It has actually gotten to the point of prejudice in many cases. There is a certain love affair with Watson's work that is just…
Um, we aren't really sure where Rupert Grint is? Seriously do a basic google search or IMDB search before your write drivel. He is currently on Broadway in a highly successful show with the likes of Matthew Broderick and Nathan Lane. Also he is doing films as well.
That's not why we lost our shit. I am okay with the mother dying but they in one 44 minute episode destroyed Barney, Ted and Robin and reverted their characters to their pathetic former selves of their late 20's. This ending was fine after season 3 or 4 but now it is an example of lazy writing and obstinate behavior…