
Except for when it's not. Read through some of the other comments here—there are plenty of women who struggled without time off, or who struggled even with it. And even if it is "all mental", it's still a problem. A person who is having serious mental problems does need time off, especially new parents. Raising a

Right? But I can't imagine why young women today are postponing having children! It must be because they're selfish or lazy, or too busy instafacetweeting, am I right?

I do not miss all that crap one little bit. That and the "Smile, honey!" because I have a naturally preoccupied expression.

It was TOTALLY about my late husband. Now I know Carly wasn't acquainted with him, but it was all about him. It was all about him, all the time.

Sam Lufti's high school yearbook picture

Here's an idea, Johnny Depp: Instead of "quitting acting," why don't you try playing a different character than the one you've been playing over and over for the last decade?

This is the only explanation that makes sense at this point...I am otherwise totally baffled.

This is proof that the universe is nothing but a Sims game run by a cosmic being on the level of Earthly thirteen-year-olds.

Yeah "jury of your peers" doesn't mean "jury of law school students."

Unless you want to be someone's secret black mistress. Men are VERY comfortable saying that they would never DATE a black woman but would like to TRY one. Like we are a kind of pie.

I prefer this Neville Longbottom

I would have killed for this YA novel as a kid. Not enough queer YA novels.

I was wishing for Kong, but maybe we're not quite there as a people yet...

I'm imagining this to be a pumpkin macaron with cream cheese vanilla cardamom filling.

With BPD, we're seen as all good/perfect, until that moment we invariably fall from their pedestal and become wholly evil. Kudos to you for getting yourself out & recognizing the pattern. These people are wold class manipulators, and too often their disease isn't recognized or is papered over because it's

You're absolutely right - I'm fortunate that I have my sister to lean on, and she has me. (We have 2 other siblings who weren't targeted by our mother - one is a boy, and the other is my extremely younger sister who was always her baby). It's taken a lot of work to change behavior patterns that made people dislike me

You know what toy scared the black off of me? Teddy Ruxpin. Fuck that fucking bear with his fucking, dead googly eyes and mouth that would swallow me up as I sleep. I got one as a present when I was four and I SCREAMED and ran out the room and the house. My uncle had to catch me. My mom was upset for not just politely

I'll never remember that year I taught myself to enjoy beer.

Is that really something the Pope should say?

At some point, I just kind of threw up my hands and decided that I couldn't really care about sweatshops at the moment because I can't very well walk around naked, and it is damned near impossible if not ACTUALLY impossible to find clothing that is ethically made/sourced, in my size, and affordable. It's just not.