
I think it's like haemoglobin/iron. You can top up easily enough, but it takes a bit longer for your reserves to build once you've dipped into anaemic levels.

Great, now I'm picturing Snart trying to wave his cold gun about, but struggling because of his little arms.

That's because Lyla encouraged him not to.

So… is there going be a second accelerator explosion? I can't remember if that little problem was resolved.

According to Stephen Amell the episodes are in the correct order. It still left my head scratching (but makes pseudo-sense given that Barry is meant to turn up tomorrow according to previews and i couldn't understand why unless Oliver told him while they were battling RF).

I thought Roy was piloting the plane, and was left behind as that's just what happens to him.

Especially with the "It'll change your life" tag—or whatever the exact wording was…

That was the impression I had when she was talking about embracing what she has become instead of chasing the dream of becoming leader of the inhumans. However, I thought Jiaying was naive to think that Raina did not see her own death coming.

1. I think that was intentional misdirection. Rudy is shown with a motorbike. Then the shot implying Sarah is being watched while entering the motel has a motorbike mirror at the edge of the shot. When the Castor clone walks into the motel room, only his legs are shown. We only find out it's Mark when Sarah is

Re: Helena-Parsons

Can't wait for the Felix-Gracie first meet!

The way he was bound echoed Aliens for me, so "Kill me. Please," was what I was (sorta) expecting as the original line was, "Please, kill me."

How did "Diana" end up inside the house, unharmed and without blood on her?

Hopefully a scene where he realises he has no clean shirts left.

Juliette as Adalind.

All that way without even a take-away milkshake and fries combo!

That was intentional so that there were no deaths on the show (well, aside from Bruce's parents).

Because he's Barry and he's not the sharpest tool in the shed, despite being a science geek.


I shouldn't be laughing…