
Barry told Wells in that episode (well, the second version of it) that he time travelled. I suspect Barry isn't quite yet sufficiently fast for Wells to steal that energy (or travel to 2024 with Barry if that's what Barry tries to do).

I suspect Rudy wanted to "understand" Sarah better, and so he emulated this image of her (and went into another meditative state until Kira found him).

Or that he nonchalantly recalls random (yet relevant) bits of information in future episodes.

Anyone else seeing Christopher Reeve's Clark Kent in Scott when he smiled at Felix? Perhaps it's just as they're both such goofs.

Am secretly hoping a Rudy and Helena adventure soon. I think both feel as one half of a pair so that they'll find common ground from that… and hopefully Dr Coady telling Paul she needs Rudy out in the field to retrieve Mark, as per the preview for next week, is an opportunity for Helena to be released with Rudy (and

When he first fainted in that episode, I was hoping that "science!" would show that it was his metabolism, and it did.

In all seriousness, a glitter gun would make a lot more sense. Why else would people be so annoyed by glitter bombs?


Yup, me too—well, the real Reverse Flash/Eobard Thawne. I thought he got "stuck" as the Thawne identity was all mangled up with Wells'.

I do like how Ray asked about it last week.

Laurel and Cisco were amazing. More of that, please!

Then it sounded like Tatiana impersonating Silverman!

Sarah as Rachel was amazing - I loved how she couldn't walk in heels. :) Little details, amazing work by Tatiana!

But I think Mark is somehow different - he seems to not be unhinged like the Custody Castor and Moustache Castor are. He's also been genuinely kind to Grace, which I can't see Custody Castor being capable of. Perhaps Mark's been on his own for so long, that he has diverged from the others.

I would have been happy to see his corpse one more time. Smirking, of course.

Am reading on Twitter that some are unhappy with the finale, I thought it did well - wrapped up the main mystery in a non-paranormal and grounded manner, the remaining characters ended up as they should have (Vincent & Elena survive, Yuri stuck [I laughed when the equipment malfunctioned], Frank with no-one, Dan still

He'd have given his mask to the waiter.

I also liked that the colour change was pointed out on the show - unlike when Lambert shaved and it took me a while to recognise the actor as being bearded Lamber from POI! (Although Martine still looked like Martine, so I didn't have any actor-placement difficulties this time.)

The second scenario The Machine ran in "If-Then-Else" had the stock market crisis averted, when Reese locked Fusco in a cupboard and typed in the code himself. He subsequently died in that scenario, but took out Lambert and other Samaritan operatives in that group.

Hopefully it'll encourage/remind Finch that it's OK to pick up a gun in their situation.