
Bennet is Hudson. He's the only one I can see saying, "Game over, man! Game over!"

Oh, I thought the Doctor had figured that out and that was why he was asking Cass why she didn't think the ship was safe (and why she didn't let the interpreter board).

Easily able to slip and out of identities, and thus in and out of people's lives and particular environments?

Miller! Miller! Miller!

Damn, was hoping to hear, "You always were an asshole," after that Paul reveal. Way to go out with a bang!

Must be under blankets, insulated from real-world temperatures as the liquid nitrogen that is typically used in such temporary storage canisters should have been all been converted to gas by now.

Upvoted for cake mixing bowl.

I usually use "w/e" for weekend—temporarily made RF sound even worse than normal.

I thought those were just snapshots of today's episode and the fight club thingy.

Only items as fun as Jay Garrick's helmet can have a cameo.

Loved that there was a dodgy wig present. Arrow traditions and all that.

Hope not, but upvoted for lols.

Ditto. I loved Grant in the role when we met happy-go-lucky Barry on Arrow, but did not realise just how talented he was.

Even so, I still think you're allowed to scream at Theon for doing nothing.

I'm sure Cosima said something about the bone marrow treatment working when she was on the phone to someone. Also, has anyone found Kira's secret stash of Helena embryos yet? I'm imagining it's being used as a bookend for the shelf with Dr Moreau.

"Oh hey, there! My creepy 'twin' and I just wanted to see how you were going. We could take some more samples, too!"

So happy to see that Mark was genuinely upset about losing Gracie, and highlights that he is a bit different and hopefully doesn't know what he has done to her. I also loved the peck on the Coady's cheek from Rudy as it was so unexpected—he is such a momma's boy!

But I think Rudy said something about Mark not taking part in activities on the base, and so perhaps Mark doesn't know that their sickness is somewhat transmissible.

Wells didn't really set him free, he just left him tied (but ungagged) to a chair. I like Eddie, so I hope he's just over the drama llama love triangle but still sticks around as a "good guy".

Also the Felicity/Ray relationship was all out-of-whack when they went show-hopping.