
I think the writers got stuck on how to explain Shado 2.0.

We've been looking for a plot ALL season, and they skip over a long story?!?

But that eye was also more closed - or does he always have a smaller right eye?

I get hayfever symptoms in one eye, but it's weird to see on someone else.

Because he's a goodie two-shoes.

When Deadshot saved her I was counting on the swing! Loved Deadshot's kill-me-now commentary and eye rolls. Anyway, am hoping Cupid now goes cray-cray at Waller (and that Deadshot survived - hopefully a bit of a knockback effect from the blast so he can still have his legitimate family photo moment).

He already had a chat to Cupid and decided, "Hell No!" to having to listening to that brand of cray-cray.

Roy needs lessons from Felicity and Barry about to to be excited about awesome but not-so-awesome-for-Team-Arrow news and not make it so odd. Actually, just take lessons from Barry, I think he's better at such Felicity moments than Felicity. Or just stick to parkour, Roy.

I like that we don't know Harper's game, but that she is a morally-ambiguous good guy who thoroughly enjoys toying with both sides of that line. And I loved that the Machine recognised this, so sends her the kind of work that she'd be interested in and that helps Team Machine.

Seriously?!?! WOAH, she's a proper badass! No wonder I loved her so much in Vikings and in this (although it took me a moment to pick her because she scrubbed up so well - except I really hated the white component to that cocktail dress in the toilet scene with Harper).

This! That's why Shaw had to ditch the cosmetics counter job and stick to the shadow-map.

I believe Taraji Henson signed onto POI knowing that it was a short-term gig. Sometimes actors have on-screen chemistry that is discovered during filming, rather than planned. I wouldn't be surprised that's why the feelings Reese/Carter had were so rushed and subsequently explored by Reese on his own, post-Carter.

Which is something that she explains to Reese at the end, and was the primary reason why she felt she could no longer be his therapist.

Australian TV got lucky and missed the month-long hiatus, which means last week's US Flash was on last night and I just watched it again with the benefit of hindsight. :)

Lightning psychosis.

Caitlin tried to when he called her for help about the tsunami, but he cut her off.

I think Cisco was a bit preoccupied about his brother's finger situation to care, and Caitlin only became obviously suspicious after Cisco asked her to distract/delay Wells for that morning.

But he was the only one who had any intent on getting her to do anything other than Flash stories.

Well since we didn't get a nickname for her on the show, how about Snotty Snart?

Ridiculous, yes. But anything that gets Eddie back on-side makes me happy, I think Cosnett has great comic timing and only seems to be able to tap into that when being goofy with Barry.