
I'd be far more worried about the claws. Unless you wish to become fettuccine.

I suspect that's the cafe scene that's been in some of the multi-episode previews, where Barry tells Iris that he knows she's been thinking about him (which actually sounds incredibly creepy if we didn't know she'd already told him in her now non-existant timeline - actually, it sounds creepy anyway).

He didn't have the tachyons at that point, so would have relied on the wheelchair for most of his transport needs. (Although what I don't get is how he managed to stay on two legs for about 14 years, but has moments now where his legs give out on him).

I think he replaced himself given he saw exactly the same things at the end of the episode that he did at the start. If past and future Barry had stopped then we should have seen two of them.

I imagined he was inspired by Edward Norton's solo office beat-up in Fight Club.

He was screaming… (and I don't think he's had both Joe and Iris in trouble at the same time).

Where was Grodd?

It'd probably go down as:
1. Cisco shows off the Weather Wand.
2. Barry accompanies Cisco to the police station.
3. Weather Wizard captured before he attacks the station.

Bear's Twitter handle was convinced the dog was the perpetrator, even noted how "convenient" that it was that the dog had an alibi for the suicide by being out on a walk with the neighbour.


As long as it's not an Arrow wig.

Well Fury did have May spying on Coulson for him after his resurrection, it would make sense that he'd have additional agents as Coulson hadn't yet gone completely-insane when May was revealed.

Fitz was amazing - I can understand his initial reaction to be angry at Skye for not telling him that she caused the damage to the glorified FitBit. He has had everyone treating him as if he's useless, and while recent episodes suggested he was improving he thought he was suddenly back to being almost-useless.

I can only think that she saw some horrible outcomes from experiments when with Hydra, and now the writer are telling us how horrified she is without explaining it (just like the Trip reminiscing.)

They did mention that Mac was briefly in quarantine but was assessed to be clear of whatever possessed him.

Edin Enid. Had a dyslexic moment. It may not be weird if she has spent a lot of time "outside" and, like Carl, recognises the weakness of the people who have been inside the whole time so she ventures out so that she doesn't lose her edge. That's what I assumed Rick's thought process was when he saw Carl outside and…

The hair was particularly distracting. I initially thought it may have been a shadow, but then it persisted despite a change in camera angle.

I hope so - I really want to see a Helena/Grace buddy-cop episode!

I can't wait to meet Moustached Castor.

But it was so heavy! She could barely get it over her head to remove it! :)