I really didn't understand why he was part of the supply-run group…
I really didn't understand why he was part of the supply-run group…
They're probably worried that Darryl might bite them if they forcibly remove the crossbow from him.
I didn't think it was a test - I was under the impression that Stark knew what the sideffects of the gas were before the Army took over the project.
I just found it hilarious that so many of his inventions that were failures had unintended consequences.
My biggest (and perhaps, only) problem with the finale was Fennhoff - he needed time to get into the heads of Dooley and that other guy (sorry), and that was when they were unaware of the threat! But now Fennhoff could hypnotise anyone without earplugs in a jiffy!
Ha - I thought the same thing… well, with regards to, "Mind your surroundings."
Am very annoyed that the reviewer dismissed this as, "The key to victory is an app…" Gah! Especially since Finch's monologue about Pi was in the episode that introduced Caleb, and Dominic has also had lines that allude to that same monologue.
I love Bear, but he really needs to work on his busted/guilty look.
It was just after she returned from her shower, all dressed in white.
Wu is fantastic - I love that he's aware of what's going on now, and the "bomb vest" line was a killer in both content and delivery.
And also incredibly Reese to wind Finch up that way. :)
And Reese's awkward smile was back - that's two episodes in a row!
Perhaps it's just a result of how discreet Zoe is.
Or that he had a stem cell transplant, which changes the DNA of blood. If Wells is FutureBarry then he'd be forensically aware and may have had the transplant as a cover.
Initially I thought Wells was an uber-Flash/Barry fan, and perhaps he gave himself a similar injury. But then I thought that if Wells is FutureBarry then he'd be forensically aware, and he could have had a stem cell or bone marrow transplant to change his blood DNA, and thus why he has intermittent speed and requires…
Am I reading too much into Wells touching his neck after picking up the gun in this episode, given how close Barry's brush with a bullet was last week?
The council assigned the hit, not Alexander or the older guy (who said something along the lines of the council not caring what their opinions of the hit on Nick were).
Maybe Juliette's Uber-Hexenbiest power is because it was "forged" from the blood of a Grimm…
I think the younger one is Alexander (?) who helped burn the "Anubis" body previously (and who Nick bashed prior to that), so there's a mutual understanding between Alexander and nick now. I'm sure we've seen the older guy previously, but can't remember why he'd be on Nick's side…