
I understood it Dooley meant it as, "Quite pestering her." I had an old school-teacher who'd call any argument between two students of different genders "lovers' quarrels" just to wind them up a bit (and perhaps stop before there'd be further embarrassment.)

But she was so cuuuuuute about it!

But, but, but Joe's face in the background when Barry just happened to bump into his dad in the cells!!!

And look at who turns up next week!

And most of them never knew that The Flash was real.

Hartley… who happens to be coming up really soon!

But he knows the future can change - remember the episode where Barry lost his powers and the newspaper cover was different?

I take what I said earlier back. I watched all three in a mini-binge, and it makes sense:
1. Samaritan gives The Machine a warning, thinking that The Machine is weak and that it will cave to the demands of Samaritan.
2. Samaritan asserts itself, but Team Machine ends up "winning" the financial crisis game. And while

I think the final scene in the car was enough - the relationship was at a point were Reese could sleep why Root was driving, and Cavaziel's face was perfect when Reese saw Root was teary about Shaw.

I'm hoping it's two-years-off full-time, but still able to pop in occasionally and make a snarky remark.

I was wondering if that was a Samaritan-imposed requirement since Grice let Shaw go a few episodes ago.

So that WAS intentional! I noticed it and thought it was odd to have a Shaw doppelgänger, but it's a nice Easter egg if she's Shahi's stunt double!

Ditto. This seemed like more of a side-step…

I don't think she will make the connection herself. She will likely encounter Finch, or seek him out, make a reference to Nautilus and Emerson will do that wide-eyed-Finch-just-realised-something stare.

I loved the start of the episode, and what I think was its original intention: to have an episode devoted to Control and her point of view, much like when we were first introduced to Shaw.

I prefer him as an inside man, especially since Control seems to trust him - could be a great go-between should Control help Team Machine.

I thought it was Samaritan due to the predominantly white background. Perhaps hinting that there's more to come after the stock exchange incident.

I also interpreted it as a distracting "Look, I'm kissing you and ha-di-ha, that shocked you enough for me to get away and press that damn button" kiss.

That's what I thought she meant when she said they couldn't go back that way.

I thought three was enough for showing us how the Machine made decisions:
1. the obvious option (Finch as the hacker, Root as backup): shows mission and asset failure, and that the simulation was unsuccessful. The audience get the surprise of killing Finch, and that the Machine did not accept the death of Admin (or the