Remember this when the case settles, because the last thing Disney wants is for anything to be decided in open court.
Remember this when the case settles, because the last thing Disney wants is for anything to be decided in open court.
Lane knows something very important that no one else does - one of Jordan’s parents is powered. Big clue. Plus, there are more than a few people who hit all out of proportion to their size.
He’s honestly pretty chill for a high school football coach. Which is to say, that level of assholery used to be much higher, and Jon Voight’s performance in Varsity Blues is also not much of an exaggeration.
Make Howerton the hacker who’s also the secret martial artist.
Chastain’s eyeroll to that punchline is just *chef kisses fingers*.
He’s what Tiger Woods would’ve been if Tiger hadn’t broken himself trying to play Special Forces warrior.
You could ask some. Or listen to the ones actually talking.