
Such a good time to use #FeelTheBern and you didn’t go for it!

I had the early EGM issues way back and in the PS2 days and sold them for hundreds of dollars. Waiting for the new EGM to arrive in the mail each month was the best! When a new issue would arrive and I’d run straight to the bathroom for #2 and some video game news and reviews. You kids with your Internet today don’t

You were the cool kid in elementary school if you brought the newest issue of Nintendo Power. I myself preferred PC Gamer, which usually came with an awesome demo CD.

Good luck to her and whatever she persues here on out!

I sense something. A presence I’ve not felt since...

I don’t think game delays really qualify as disappointments because they usually result in better games. Other than a few comical exceptions, we don’t remember the delays; we remember whether or not a game was any good. Next year at this time, when you’re thinking of the biggest disappointments of 2015, I don’t think

Persona 5. Simply because I know it’s going to be fun. Goofy and silly fun. If it’s like P3&4 it’s going to tick a whole bunch of all the right boxes for me.

I am really REALLY excited about a lot of these changes coming to PVP in Legion. A ton of these changes, we've been asking for a long time. I'm talking mostly about PVP Talents/Spells and making your PVP stats baseline to make it easier to balance with. Can't wait, also for the new honor system with prestiging for

This show was great. Anna really was the star. Without her reaction to what’s going on the whole thing wouldn’t have flowed anywhere near as well as it did.

beat me to it

His reason?

Noted. Don’t click on political articles in the future. Everybody wins.

Poor guy looks like he’s been through a week of finals. I know that look well

Andrew House is the last person on Earth that I would have guessed speaks fluent Japanese.

I’m not very worried. It’s going to be fucking fantastic. I’m suuuuper excited. It’ll be neat to see (what I’m guessing will be) FFXV-style combat in the FFVII setting. I hope they don’t fuck over the Materia system, that’s the only thing I’m worried about at all. The Materia system was the best magic/skill system in

Hehe, well I liked it and it gave me a good mood. :)

That was a nice comic. Made me... actually feel things.

Quality and Quantity > Brand Awareness

For me, the only thing I think should have beat Fallout 4 was The Witcher 3, so I’m not at all disappointed, I marvel at how ridiculously well-made The Witcher 3 is.

While I concur with the article, that there are a lot of dumb lady armors out there, I'd like to point out that there are more & more games with not dumb armor. Look at Hawke in DA2 (ignoring Bethany's giant boobs - which is a joke, because Varric exaggerates Hawke's adventures) or even the female armor in DA1 (with