
I don’t see any good news here. They got robbed, didn’t get any support from Valve and were forced to put their game for free. Now, somehow they need to convince people to pay for it, when they didn’t had a microtransaction process planned in the first place.

Thanks. This is a very detailed article. I’m not a big AC fan, but I pre-ordered the game after I saw the E3 demo (I know... a pre-order... but that Amazon 20% discount though...)

I get all of this, but I think we’re free to chose whatever canon we want, right?

I’ve always thought that the bad things people say of Florida is racism against the latinos that live there. I’ve been to Florida multiple times and never had any major issues.

People talking about how he doesn’t represent gamers and whatever... The only thing I see here is ESPN knowing that people no longer buy sports magazines, so better if they try something new and maybe capture the interest of new public that wouldn’t have bought their magazines before. It’s not about what Ninja has or

Same criteria as the MLB championship is the “World Series” and the WWF is the World Wrestling Federation.

I agree that the best Joker is when you don’t really know who, or even what, he is.

I always felt that 9/11 somewhat ruined Spider-man for me...

I imagine being a Game Dev playing Uncharted 4 vs a regular player...

If there’s money to be made...

Most people simply don’t want to see what’s front of them. Selective blindness / deafness.


I play WoW exactly the same way. Every time a expansion comes out, I get it, play for a few months and then leave. If the expansion is good, I may level my character to max level. If not, I usually finish leveling up the next time I come back.


Ok, I stand corrected.

It’s precisely the uneven nature of the group stage that makes the World Cup fun to watch. You know that only one team will be champion, so must of us are there watching to see how far our team will go. If you had a completely balanced system then you would have almost the same 16 teams going through every time.

One thing is being stupid for “lols” and another is having a stupid lore. I don’t think that Overwatch’s lore is stupid at all.

To be fair, Winston has been the only character that has seemed a bit out of place for me. He doesn’t fit too well with the whole Robots vs Humans concept of the other characters.

I agree with this, but also think that maybe they’re afraid of “owning it” because they do want the game to be taken seriously as a fighting game. Maybe he felt that saying: “yes, we designed those characters to be sexy and titillating” would mean that people would only play the game for those reasons. If that’s their

My main issue with this movie was that I was a huge fan of the Phantom 2040 animated series, and this movie was nothing like it... since it was based on the original version.