I forgot the best one: Domestic na Kanojo (Domestic Girlfriend). It’s an adult romcom. The premise sounds a bit silly but it is executed really well. Plus the art is amazing.
I forgot the best one: Domestic na Kanojo (Domestic Girlfriend). It’s an adult romcom. The premise sounds a bit silly but it is executed really well. Plus the art is amazing.
I don’t know man... I think that people are giving Holdo way more trouble than she deserves. I mean the “hero hides plans from everyone and ends up sacrificing himself” is basically a trope by now. Why we can accept it for other characters but not for Holdo? Or is it that now we hold Star Wars movies in such high…
That’s very interesting. I haven’t heard about the “inner solar system being disturbed” in the past few thousands years. Where did you find that info? Or is that just your personal theory?
Of course it’s BS. Just look at Philippines which is almost the same size as Japan. How come that was included and not Japan?
Super Mario 3D World for the Wii U allowed you to play as Mario, Luigi, Toad, Peach and <spoiler>Rosalina</spoiler>. Really great game. Sad that it was on the Wii U so a lot of people didn’t play it. Maybe they should do a Switch release.
You can burn through it in an evening, maybe two if you take your time. Three or four if you want to get the “true ending” which I didn’t. It’s a good time overall.
That’s what I came here to say! You can see it in this video:
I played Mage but never got behind the whole Freeze Mage meta... Felt a bit awkward that a Mage, who is intended to blow their opponents with magic, was always hiding and extending the game. In “vanilla” I liked the idea of Spell Damage Mage... but that got forgotten by Blizzard as they started releasing more…
I don’t get it... this whole obsession with an incomplete game (yes, VERY incomplete... that whole story was butchered) that the developer has been tweaking and tweaking in an attempt to justify the fact that they didn’t deliver a complete product the first time around.
I’ve been playing Xenoblade quite a lot while traveling. It’s actually pretty good, but I understand why it isn’t on the list. For some reason, I don’t get motivated to play it when I’m at home.
Well... guess we all have our preferences. A job it’s a job. I’m wondering if you can earn more playing video game tutorials for 200 hours than looking at spreadsheets for 200 hours. After all, 200 hours is 5 work weeks or about a month’s salary. So if he earned more than $5k, he’s not doing too bad!
Every time that I read one of Riley’s articles they remind me ever more of how this game transcended what a game actually is.
Let’s call it what it is... It’s masochistic behavior for the thrill of getting noticed.
In an alternate universe, they’re making a 3D remake of FFVI and I’ll be playing it, but sadly, this isn’t it. :(
“We need to increase our followers in the otaku demographic...”
Hulu is okay, but I wouldn’t call it “reliable”, specially with how they remove episodes of current season if you take too long to watch them. Sometimes I get curious about a new series and when I check, it’s already missing the first two episodes!
I used to have the commercials option, but I noticed that I was wasting 10 to 15 minutes per episode watching commercials. It felt like my time was more valuable than the extra $4/month.
It’s a metaphor on life itself. According to some scientists, an explosion occurred and life fell in place after billions of years. According to some philosophers, there is a grand design that brought life and the universe into purpose.
I always find funny how narrow-minded people are in terms of their heritage. For example, if they’re Irish they think they must be 100% Irish or at least close to it. In the 21st century, that’s impossible, or at least almost impossible unless you’re living in an inbred commune or something.