Still can’t forgive Speedycopfor destroying a pristine Toyota Van from the 80's for the airplane car.
Still can’t forgive Speedycopfor destroying a pristine Toyota Van from the 80's for the airplane car.
Like how the slideshow crashes in my desktop browser (Brave Browser) yet the slideshow is completely nuked for a regular page view in my smartphone.
CP for this car, call me when there’s a genuine coal burner.
Not as good as the London Underground’s Rescue Units TBF.
Political Correctness struck.
Black Flags Matter has a good video on the “DB Cooper” of NASCAR.
Reminds me of the Jay Foreman video when he discussed the unfinished Ring Roads around London.
Just tell the local ANTIFA cell that the cameras recorded them doing “peaceful protests.”
I don’t see any offensive state-specific jabs.
Gone in Sixty Seconds (1974) is 20th.
Why not highlight the most recent video, of a CDL carrying driver doing THIS at the bridge?
Get a Tacoma, or any other Toyota/Lexus car. Tacomas are ridiculously common here, and every other one is modded in some way. Dude needs to try and find a good example in the 48 Contiguous States and ship it over. DON’T BUY IN HAWAII, DEALER OR PRIVATE UNLESS ITS THE ONLY OPTION. Once he and his family get shipped out…
The big question: Does it have a SatNav that only goes to Poland?
Welp, time to leave Jalopnik.
Nothing new from GLORIOUS NIPPON.
Looks like at least the Sport Car class is customizeable.’
Not the first time an Audi wasn’t German. Pretty sure it’s a facia swap onto a Chaser, but Noriyaro caught this one at the 2015 1JZ Meet.
Coinstar also has a promo where you dump $30+ into the machine for an Amazon Gift Slip, you can get a $5 credit.
Coinstar also has a promo where you dump $30+ into the machine for an Amazon Gift Slip, you can get a $5 credit.