
I’m not at all surprised that there are disgusting creeps who will use hypnosis to sexually assault women. But on the other hand, I am absolutely surprised that hypnosis is real. I always thought it was a sham.

I posted a pic of the “Not My President” sign that’s in my window and a lot of people on here gave me shit about it. You can respect the law (yes, he is my president) while symbolically rejecting everything the man stands for (no, he will never be my president). Good for these kids. Once the dust is settled I hope

“Although I’m sure his replacement would be almost as bad so it’s cold comfort at best.”

Yeah, well, I don’t LIKE to run, per se, but I do it because it’s fucking good for me.

I am not even American and I’ve burst into tears 4 times since yesterday. I’m so sorry you guys, everything about this is painful to look at, as illustrated by the above photos.

Only 25% of us voted for this fucking monster - other 25% voted Hillz along with the half who didn’t vote at all (thanks guys!). It’s time to show the world that America hasn’t gone completely crazy - I agree with you. Let’s fight this with everything we got.

I am safe (and now drunk) in Canada but why America, why?

As a fellow Canadian, I have to put in a plug for Elections Canada and hand counted paper ballots. They run a right tight ship on Election Day up here.

Someone was “friend zoned” despite being a “nice guy.”

As a Canadian, I support building an ice wall if Trump wins. We will need to keep the orange walker and his hordes out. 

that sleeve of 100 in black or brown by goody. that’s where it’s at.

That old chestnut about long wait times in Canada makes me mad. What we have here is triaged care: you get it fast when you need it. I’ve used this example before, but when I needed an MRI to finally ascertain why my shoulder still hurt after a fall, it took 9 months for that test to happen and another 9 months to see

As a Canadian living in the US legally for over 20 years I will never get over how Americans are screwed by insurance companies and the government. The propaganda that is sold here about Canadian health care is outstanding.

In the last twelve months, I have had the following:
*nerve test + neurologist evaluation for MS, strokes, etc
*breathing test
*rheumatologist appointment
*several GP appointments for pain, nerve issues, whooping cough, allergies, and medication reaction
*~6 blood tests, including inflammation and antibody tests
*Xrays on

Mexican here. Seconding that Catrinas and Sugar skulls are FINE. Yes, THEY ARE FINE to wear on Halloween, people. These are characters, costumes, caricatures. Not real people. They’re fantasy. Like vampires, werewolves, witches, fairies. These are not sacred, religious, Catholic, Saints, etc. They are caricatures.

We use First Nations in Canada. I like that.

You’re just pissed because someone dared to call out out Mariah for being tacky. You’re the one in need of a hobby. Had this been a neighborhood party and your neighbor dressed like this, I can guarantee she (or he, even) would be given the raised eyes. Kids parties aren’t time for sexy outfits.

not certain who shameik moore is but i hope he dies in a fire

“Anyone capable of getting themselves elected President, should, on no account, be allowed to do the job” - Douglas Noel Adams.