
I think the biggest shame, is that there are/have been thousands of students at Liberty who have spent hours upon hours studying the Bible, praying for that campus, the community, this nation and the world; who truly have a deep and meaningful relationship with Jesus, and had this guy at the head of their school. By

Ha! This is why adults disagree with Pelosi and Harris about 16yr olds being given the right to vote! That age bracket knows nothing. Let the 15yr old have at it.

Oh, come on!  He’s done a lot for your Hispanic community too.  He can do the same for the Black community.  Why so jaded?

So, Herschel Walker is speaking at the RNC.  I think it might be time for the Black community to perk up their ears and listen.  Change can happen.  Trump is the answer.  They saw glimpses of policy and economic success prior to Covid, far more then they saw under 8yrs of Obama/Biden.

I don’t know how much it will play into it, but the Covid-19 numbers are great, death rate is at a significant low and we have been plateaued for about two weeks.  His efforts are working.  The slow down of protests and people still quarantining and opening businesses safely has turned the tide.  This is a significant

So, the Democratic convention pulled out all the stops. It was a real show. Unfortunately, Democrats across the nation didn’t understand the rules or process of their convention so tons of controversy broke out over AOC’s support of Sanders. Then, Biden was well, Biden. For all the light fantastic, it was very short

I like it.  Looks clean.  Sometimes muted colors are eye catching too.  She did a great job.  

I don’t remember hearing any news about major looting or vandalism sparked by Tea Party protests.  What has happened over George Floyd is completely different.

Tennessee as well as every State in the Union have time, place and manner laws on the books to ensure peaceful protesting maintains a significant part of our rights as citizens.  If these protestors have not followed the law, infringed upon it or abused it in a manner that prevents future protesting from being civil

No.  I love the DC vision.  If I wanted fat Thor, I would watch Marvel.  Now, give me a rebooted Superman to go along with this and a new WW and I am good.

Wow, Affleck would have been amazing in that!

The real issue is that her kids obviously don’t respect authority.  This is a deeply leftist trait, and the blame really falls into the lap of George, who apparently didn’t teach the eldest child about tolerance, understanding and respect.

I think we can clearly see the negative affects of a “liberal” man on the family.  That the kids would be so intolerant of opposing views to demand “emancipation” shows how pervasive leftist thinking is and how it is damaging to all.  Luckily, Kelly, like many moms in this country is stepping away from her career to

Until people realize that Newsome is a problem, and that raking the woods is a good idea, nothing will change.  

I wish people like Markle could just be honest, she doesn’t women to vote, she wants them to vote for the Left.  The headline is misleading.

How can the world’s most gorgeous man and most beautiful woman have biological children with so much confusion over their gender identity?  Do any of them know whether they are girls or boys?

So, while I certainly know and have friends that are POC, I am mostly just a white guy doing white things with white people...but usually after trips I take or my white buddies take we invariably have stories we tell about “how everything was great until some random Black person...”does something either loudly,

What would have been awesome is if after he tased the one, that he pulled out one of those hand held ones that can continually tase someone, and hit all the others on the porch like a ninja movie. 

You are correct. The unintended consequence will be the natural one. We will have fewer quality individuals looking out for our safety and more violence will be the result.

Well, this is some silly Leftist mental gymnastics. Of course Susan B. Anthony would want to be pardoned. Nobody wants to be found guilty in the sight of law when that law is clearly unjust.