
So, while there are certainly people who “like” Trump, when you speak honestly with a Trump supporter many will vote for him not b/c they are fooled into thinking he’s a saint, but b/c he gets things done and his accomplishments are significant.

I think we can all agree that “cheating” is wrong. Passing other’s work off as your own is wrong.

I mean I guess the easiest way to beat voter suppression, since everyone has a right to vote, is ensure you are registered, look up your voting location and it’s hours and show up. Pretty simple.  At least that seems to be what all the Black people I see voting usually do.  But, I could be wrong.  

I would totally agree in some cases, but you know, he works in an industry that marinates in Black culture.  Music, speech...think you gotta give him a pass.  Even if as a white guy he strictly uses the word “nigga” in some circles, this may happen.  Gotta laugh it off and get back on with work tomorrow.

This may be the dumbest thing Barack Obama has said. Trump has been one of the single most “democratic” presidents of our lifetime. He has pressed and pushed people, congress and the courts to implement, change or deny actions and legislation for significant issues. That is democracy. He has used bi-partisanship to

My reaction: 1) It is just mind boggling to me that the Democrats had no idea how their convention worked. The response to AOC’s support of Sanders was part of the party’s nomination protocol. To think this is the party that wants 16yr olds to vote and people to vote by mail. Wow.

I think it would be a great idea for someone with a great love for music who studies it’s history and evolution to focus on and explain how the Black community within music went from creating Motown and such remarkable music to WAP? What does this journey toward utter garbage look like and what were the milestones

I know you can’t encapsulate 13yrs in a few sentences, but what terrifies me is what you wrote. “My daughter is 13 and trans.” “She’s known since she was 3.” “She socially transitioned at 11.” I mean my gosh! Can you expound on this journey? It seems problematic and wrong on so many levels. What did he say when you

For a moment I thought I would have to start calling him “Stevie Marbury” but he certainly played big last night and helped Portland notch a Game 1 win over LeChoke.  Fingers crossed!

Trump continues to do amazing things while in office that, pardon the pun, trump the Left’s goals of giving entitlements to people.  Instead he celebrates those this nation should celebrate and delivers reforms we agree we need and delivers of agreements that offer peace.  Another feather in his cap.  If Trump is not

I have always thought we were robbed of some of Francis’ potential due to injury and Marbury b/c of lifestyle/work ethic.

In those Chicago schools with the predominantly Black student population, how many of the staff voting were Black?

I am talking mostly about perception.

I think what is going on is pretty straight forward. The House played with fire, now the Senate has left and Trump’s Executive Orders will be the rules we all play by. To be honest, this might be the best thing. I think the Dems loaded the legislation with bloat and with jobs coming back, Covid cases taking a downturn

As a husband and father of daughters, I think what is dangerous to women is this type of narrative. Just like our sons, daughters “discover” the pleasure of their genitals at an early age, typically while in the bathtub. But, just as parents have to “teach” them good habits and delayed gratification, during the teen

I think we should all celebrate the idea that a racist political party refused to select numerous viable minority candidates for president and once more into the breech went with a tired old white male politician who may have dementia and certainly was involved in corruption and possibly sexual harassment and threw a

If there was any portion of this article where you demanded the ousting of Cuomo, Newsome and Brown related to the Covid deaths I might take this seriously...but nope.  It is impossible to know how many lives “Trump” saved or lost b/c of his leadership...but had Biden been in charge or Clinton, the number would be

Mike Pence is a thoughtful, wise and very well respected leader/legislator.  I appreciate Harris’ accomplishments and vigor, but to think she would mop the floor up in a debate with him is...ludicrous.  

I certainly think he’s exciting to watch.  But, I completely agree with you.  I think there is always a cloud over NBA season games.  I honestly believe orgs, coaches and players have “winning” enough games to make the playoffs down to a science as well as it’s counterpart, getting into the “lottery.”  So, until he

So, I don’t know if he has to be subtle. I don’t think it’s a secret that his base is white. I also don’t think he is being racist, there are plenty of stay at home wives in the suburbs who are of Asian, Indian, Black or Hispanic descent. They are generally more likely career women who have taken time out to rear