
I think the Biden/Harris ticket is pretty weak. He has a 40+ year record of political expedience while her prosecutorial record flies in the face of all the Trump administration has worked on a bi-partisan fashion to achieve. I think too that America would be far safer in the hands of Mike Pence, who despite his

Ellis is just another in a long line of conservative women we should all hope our daughters grow up to be like.  Strong, independent, smart and empathetic yet committed to truth.

The science of gender is as solid as the science of masks.  

As just a normal, regular citizen, I think every Democrat needs to take a moment and realize that they’ve lost their party.  The Left has become extreme and since prior to 2016 has apparently been at war with this nation.  That they continually put all Americans at danger in the middle of a pandemic with this lawless

I think there are a number of reasons not to wear a mask:

For all the young people out there, I definitely think a woman should never feel “ashamed” of her genitalia and what it does within the realm of sexuality. I also think men should learn to enjoy oral sex for what it is and the pleasure it brings. (Opportunity and practice here are key, b/c the act can be a bit of a

Children have to be raised. They will feel, experience and think through many things and it is important we give them the context and vocabulary to discuss them. But, before you can adequately understand and work through the difficult topics, you have to know the truth. The truth is that we were created as two

I think the NFL, MLB and NHL are unique in that regard. They are successful b/c of the game, and as long as the game maintains a certain level of professionalism, people will always watch. A few names and faces are always great, but come on, the article named Browns players I never heard of, half the Indians lineup is

I mean you can live your life and get Covid playing football or from your aunt bringing over a casserole to eat while you hang out on the couch.  Either way, tons are going to get it....wouldn’t put life on hold though.

In related news, water is wet.

This is Biden, folks. Congratulations Democrats. Way to go.

The Bush family are national treasures. I love him. A great leader, a wonderful son, a loving husband and inspiring father. He was our president and now he’s sharing his art to help unite us. I applaud him. I also applaud all who fight every day to ensure a fair and just immigration policy, uphold the rule of law and

I don’t know man, if you consider people who appreciate when leaders make the world better pieces of shit, I guess I am. Though, in reality if you oppose things getting better and were blinded by hatred, it’s more likely you.

With that question I am not sure if you’re the troll or I am? I am not sure how much you understand about politics and policy implementation but here I go: His move of the embassy to Jerusalem was a US promise finally kept. This decision was brilliant and bold. His center piece is probably the bi-partisan legislation

I really think it boils down to this: People regardless of race want the freedom to make choices for their lives and the lives of their loved ones while making a living with the work of their hands. They want to choose their path and the educational paths of their children. They want low taxes and responsible

I find it funny that the only candidate questioning a person’s “blackness” is Joe Biden but somehow Trump is the racist.  I get it.  Talk about mental gymnastics.

Yes, certainly many are scared to admit it.  I think about 70% of white people will vote for him and I think the percent of black voters will at least double from 2016.  I think many, many liberals who watch CNN and MSNBC will once again be shocked and feel lied to and betrayed come Nov 5th when Trump once again

I don’t think so. I think Trump historically after one term is one of the most successful presidents we’ve had. His achievements and resolve on issues has been legendary, all under attack by the left. His bi-partisan Criminal Justice work on its own is worthy of praise.

How so? Do you think after 40+ years of being on the wrong side of just about every significant issue brought to him for a vote or to make a stand that all of a sudden he’s going to do the right thing?

How racist are Democrats if they would prefer to coalesce around an old white guy with dementia over numerous qualified minority or female candidates?